Andy Shaw

Inspirational author, coach and speaker, Andy is an expert in the personal growth and self-help industry

About Andy Shaw

Andy uses his own powerful journey in life to share his knowledge with others through his self-help products.

A Bug Free Mind, which was created by Andy, discusses how you can move from chaotic thinking to Saltori structured thinking.

Many of Andy’s principles are based on the Law of Attraction: that our thoughts create the world around us. He also teaches others how it’s possible to repeatedly find success and fulfillment.

Programs, Strategies & Courses

Move from chaotic thinking to "structured" thinking , where success becomes automatic and effortless.

A Bug Free Mind

The Bug Free Mind takes you on a journey to learn how to replace chaotic thinking with structured thinking.

Life Design Getaway

See what happens when you reach a state of knowing!

Success Made Simple
Accelerated Learning Video Series

Wisdom becomes part of you and, in doing so, your success becomes effortless.