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Powerful Holosync Soundtrack for ONLY $19.95 (INCLUDING shipping)...

"Increase learning ability, memory, problem solving and creativity with my new Super Theta Holosync™ soundtrack.

A Note From Our Founder, Bill Harris

Bill Harris
Director of Centerpointe Research Institute

"I happened to be reading something about the theta brainwave state recently and began to think...

This really is a profoundly beneficial brain state.

Theta is the brain wave pattern of dreaming sleep, and also the pattern of visionary experiences during meditation. It is often spoken of as the gateway to the unconscious. But there’s much more to theta.

The more I read, the more I knew I had to create a theta soundtrack for all of my Holosync participants.

Well we just created it, and it’s called Super Theta.

And guess what...

It’s fast becoming one of the most popular things we’ve ever done.

The benefit to your overall health and vitality (not to mention your mental sharpness), from spending time in a theta brainwave state is staggering.

Some of the other astounding benefits of spending time in theta are:

  • Better learning and memory...

Dr. James McGaugh of University of California at Irvine was the first to show a connection between memory retrieval and theta waves. Researchers discovered that the more theta waves made, the better the memory.

According to science writer Maya Pines, this was true in all cases.

Theta puts the brain in the perfect state to process and store information. The key to memory formation, according to memory researcher Gary Lynch of UC Irvine is a process called Long Term Potentiation (LTP), which is linked to the theta rhythm.

In science-speak, LTP is a long-lasting enhancement in signal transmission between two neurons and is widely considered to be one of the major mechanisms underlying learning and memory.

Theta is a hypnagogic, or dream-like, state, accelerating and enhancing the user's ability to learn and remember new material—a process called twilight learning.

The bottom line?

If you can make more theta waves, your ability to learn and remember what you learn will greatly increase.

  • Better problem solving...

According to noted researcher Dr. Thomas Budzynski, the theta state improves problem solving. Dr. Budzynski has said that the material accessed from memory when in a theta state provides valuable insight into unconscious processes relevant to the problem.

  • Breaking up undesirable personality patterns and habit patterns...

Buffalo, New York medical researcher Dr. Gene W. Brockopp, speaking about the theta state, had this to say...

"If we can help a person experience different brain-wave states consciously through driving them with external stimulation [as we do with Holosync], we may facilitate the individuals ability to allow more variations in their functioning through breaking up patterns at the neural level. This may help them develop the ability to shift gears or shuttle and move them away from habit patterns of behavior to become more flexible and creative, and to develop more elegant strategies of functioning."

  • Increased creative thinking...

Dr. Brockopp had this to say about theta and creativity...

"It can actively induce a state of deactivation in which the brain is passive, but not asleep: awake, but not involved with the clutter of an ongoing existence. If this is true, then it may be a state in which new cognitive strategies could be designed and developed."

Researcher Dr. Roman Chrucky, Medical Director of the North Jersey Development Center in Totowa, New Jersey found that subjects in a theta state reported feeling much more creative. "I’ve found that using the theta frequency," he said, "I get that kind of response on myself as well, increased creativity."

  • Recovery from alcohol problems and depression...

Clinical psychologists Eugene Peniston and Paul Kulkosky of the University of Southern Colorado found that alcoholics who spent time in a theta state showed a far greater recovery rate from their alcohol problems than a control group. More impressively, after thirteen weeks they showed sustained prevention of relapse. Part of this change, they concluded, was the result of what they called a transformation of personality.

Peniston and Kukosky were also surprised to find that the experimentally treated alcoholics also showed sharp reductions in self-assessed depression (Becks Depression Inventory) compared to the control group.

  • Relief from past traumas...

Dr. Brockopp also noted that information recovered from memory during theta session is then available for evaluation and understanding by those more thoughtful and cognitive brain processes and therefore may be resolved, releasing the person from past traumas.

  • Relief from anxiety...

Researcher Thomas Budzynski noted that a session where theta waves were created seemed to have a tranquilizing effect for individuals who are quite anxious and high-strung. It tends to quiet them down for three to four days after a session.

  • Recovery from mental fatigue...

Theta is associated with a rebalancing of potassium and sodium ratios in the brain, which is closely related to the transportation of important neurotransmitters in the brain.

When this ratio is out of balance, we become mentally fatigued.

It becomes difficult to think clearly, problem-solve, learn, or focus. During sleep we spend time in theta, which restores this potassium/sodium ratio, which is why short power naps can rejuvenate you. The Super Theta soundtrack is the ultimate power nap.

  • Greater access to the right hemisphere of the brain...

Dr. Roman Chrucky found that the theta state in combination with a strengthening of right hemisphere functioning enormously increases the ability to learn. Get access to the right hemispheres of individuals very quickly and keep them in that state, and that’s where a lot of work gets done very quickly.

In this state, the brain has these properties of uncritical acceptance of verbal material, or almost any material it can process.

  • Ecstatic, oceanic, mystical experiences...

Bruce Harrah-Conforth, PhD., of Indiana University found that theta experiences may cause ergotropic arousal, or arousal of the sympathetic nervous system and the cerebral cortex, associated with creative and ecstatic experiences, and trophotropic arousal, or the arousal of the parasympathetic system, associated with deep relaxation and the timeless, oceanic mode of the mystical experience.”

The regular price of my new Super Theta CD is $59—and it’s an amazing bargain at that.

But, I’ve decided to offer it to you for only $19.95!

And get this...

...that includes the shipping and handling to get it to you!

Some time ago you expressed an interest in Holosync—you even requested a demo CD. Super Theta isn’t a complete Holosync program like Awakening Prologue (which takes you down through all four brainwave states from beta to alpha to theta and finally to delta. And even though my new Super Theta CD only takes you into a theta brainwave state, it is a genuine Holosync soundtrack. This is the first time you’ve ever had the ability to get a full Holosync soundtrack (not a demo) for such a low price.

Offering a full Holosync soundtrack to people who aren’t in the program is a unique experiment for us, so it’s only going to be available for a very limited time—ten days.

After that, this web page will be taken down.

Really, $19.95 INCLUDING shipping and handling should make this a no-brainer for you, so please take advantage of it while it's still available.

And remember, I guarantee you’ll like it. In fact, go ahead and try it. Use it for a full sixty days if you like. And if you don’t love it, simply tell us and we’ll have you send it back for a refund (less the four bucks it’ll cost me to get it to you).

With all the benefits you’ll get from this soundtrack...

And the ridiculously low price of only $19.95 (INCLUDING shipping and handling to get it to you)...

*And a money-back guarantee (less my $4 S&H costs)...

I simply don’t see how you can go wrong.

So click the “I want my Theta” button below and let me send it right out to you.

Be well.

Bill Harris

Founder, Centerpointe Research Institute

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What Customers Have To Say

"My memory has improved dramatically...

"I am calmer, more relaxed, more focused...

"I am really starting to resolve—problems that have TORMENTED me for about 20 years...

"Holosync has made a major difference in my life...

"I've made tremendous strides in healing and in accessing my creativity to work on my goals...

"I think magic happens in theta...

"Holosync literally rejuvenated my life...

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