THIS is The #1 Reason You Are Still Overweight
And What The Diet Industry Does to Keep You That Way
Dear Friend,
Are you tired of looking in the mirror with disappointment and frustration? Are you fed up with the side comments about your weight and your health from coworkers, friends, and family? Are you burnt out from the latest fad diets that require you to starve yourself, micromanage your meals, or go without your favorite foods?
You see, diet companies and prescription weight-loss drug companies are deceiving you.
They tell you that your weight is all a result of how much food you eat or how much exercise you do.
And while that is certainly one aspect of a healthy lifestyle…
…it’s not nearly the full picture.

See, they often leave out the one thing that will SOLVE your weight problems for good.
They avoid helping you with a REAL solution because it’s much more profitable for them if you come back again and again for the latest drug, the latest diet, and the latest quick-fix solution.
After all that’s their business model. They lure you in with the latest quick fix so you can drop that first 5, 10 even 20 pounds only to gain it back the next month.
Think about it, how many times have you lost the same 20 pounds over and over? I know for myself, at least 10 times. That’s right, I’ve lost over 200 pounds yet I was in the exact same spot I was 20 years ago!
And here’s what doesn’t make sense according to their logic:
There are more diets than ever before.
There are more exercise classes and equipment than ever before.
So, there should be LESS people who struggle with their weight, right?
In fact, today there are MORE folks who struggle with their weight than ever before!
So, what’s really going on?
The Problem with Diets, Exercise,
Pills & Injections
If diet and exercise was all it took to reach your weight loss goals, then everyone would be at their ideal weight prancing around in tube tops and speedos.
But the truth is that losing weight - and keeping it off - is much more complicated than that.
There’s a reason why over 90% of the time, the weight you lose from these diets comes back in just months once you let down your guard. And you often end up even heavier than when you started!
That’s because the REAL solution doesn’t start with meal plans, weight sets, or gym memberships.

That’s like trying to fix a flat tire by refilling it with air over and over without ever sealing up the hole.
It’s like putting a lid on a pot that’s boiling over without turning down the heat.
It’s like trimming a lawn full of weeds without pulling out the roots.
You might see some temporary improvement, but the underlying issue hasn’t been resolved.
It’s the same for the weight loss pills and injections out there.
They promise that you can eat all you want and still lose weight.
But the truth is, the side effects of these medications can ruin your life.
Weight loss pill companies admit that their typical side effects include diarrhea, constipation, headaches, nausea, insomnia and more.
Meanwhile, costly weight loss injections include side effects like stomach paralysis, gallbladder problems, pancreatitis, depression, and even suicidal thoughts.
What’s worse:
These still don’t solve the real problem!
And they create a dangerous dependency on drugs that often do more damage than they fix anything.
If you truly want to change your body and your health FOR GOOD…

…then you have to start with the true cause of weight gain!
Attacking weight gain at every stage of your life is the key to finally feeling young, energetic and healthy and it’s only obtainable through Centerpointe's push-of-the-button proprietary technology: Holosync.
You must start by fixing your brain.
Your Brain Is the Real Source of Your Weight Loss (or Gain)
Neuro-Scientists and Medical Doctors have been discovering more and more that the brain plays a key role when it comes to your ability to lose weight and keep it off.
Recent studies reveal that the vast majority of weight gain and loss has more to do with your brain chemistry than how many steps you take each day.

Here are just a few studies that demonstrate the brain’s impact on weight:
This is the missing piece of the puzzle that’s been blatantly sabotaging your best efforts towards your weight loss goals for years!
Diet and exercise alone just aren’t enough to fix your brain!
If you want to make real, lasting changes that’ll improve your health…
If you want to feel good about yourself when you look in the mirror…
If you want to finally take back control of your body…

…it all starts with finally taking control of your brain.
If you don’t get your brain onboard, then everything else is just temporary.
You’ll keep bouncing from broken diet to broken diet.
Think about it…
Your brain is the source of self-sabotage, false starts and trouble sticking to healthy habits.
Your brain is the reason the workout equipment goes unused and collecting dust in the garage.
Your brain has caused you to struggle for a lifetime and still be unable to lose that extra weight.
Until you get your brain right, you’ll keep abandoning your gym membership. You’ll keep avoiding the mirror at all costs. You’ll keep reaching for those sugary snacks and greasy fast food when the going gets tough.
This is a cycle that you CAN break!
I promise you, if you listen closely now, I’m going to give you the solution to all of this. But first you need to know that what’s happened up until this moment is not your fault.

What I’m going to share with you today is what the diet industry, the pharmaceutical companies and the exercise gurus DON’T WANT YOU TO KNOW.
Because once you know this, you WILL take control of your weight loss journey.
For over 34 years, we’ve been helping millions of folks all around the world improve their brains by building their threshold, boosting their resilience, and releasing their unconscious attachments to food and unhealthy habits.
You see, we’ve finally busted the 100-year-old “willpower myth.”
Because the truth of the matter is…
Willpower Has Nothing To Do With Losing Weight
How many times have you been berated for not having willpower? This may go back 10, 20, 30 years. I know it does for me.
Not until I was in my 50s did I learn that willpower has nothing to do with losing weight. And that all the shame and humiliation I felt only made the numbers on the scale skyrocket.
What I didn’t know at the time is that willpower isn’t just self-discipline. It’s self-awareness. And it’s self-awareness that creates choice.
And then I learned something even better. Your ability to be aware is directly related to how much stress you can handle - your threshold.
It wasn’t until I started using Holosync that my brain’s threshold improved and the weight finally fell off.
You see Holosync is like the ultimate brain doctor that can release the stress, tension, and unhealthy thoughts that have been keeping you stuck & restricted for years.
Thanks to the power of Holosync, your brain becomes more flexible and better able to adopt new ways of thinking, develop new habits, and improve your self-esteem.

Holosync makes it possible to release old emotional damage that is an all-too-common source of stress, anxiety, and depression that keeps the wounds fresh and the weight piling on.
Because of Holosync’s secret sauce - the neural driving effect (that you can’t find anywhere else) you’ll make serious core level changes and improvements.

That’s why for over three decades more than 2 million people have said that Holosync changed their lives for the better.
Best of all, there are no pills to swallow, no nasty side effects, no chalky-tasting shakes or invasive procedures or painful injections that make you feel like a pincushion.
With Holosync you’re in charge!
Just look at what real people are saying about using Holosync for their weight loss:

The most exciting thing for me has been that my negative self-talk has disappeared, whereas it used to consume me as soon as I would wake up in the morning, then I would be fighting it for the rest of the day.

Without huge effort, I made dietary changes that brought my cholesterol to good levels and took off 30 pounds. I lost the cravings for alcohol and chocolate.
Dierdre M.

As my confidence increased, I finally began to feel in control of my destiny. And with my stress level melting away, my weight problem melted away as well. In short, using the Holosync technology improved almost every area of my life in a very dramatic way.
Allen K.

I‘ve enjoyed my first 7 days and I’m already seeing results in my relationships and in weight loss. I truly didn’t expect that!
Kate W.
You too can use Holosync in the privacy and comfort of your own home on your own time schedule at the push of a button to finally
solve your weight loss problems FOR GOOD!

Holosync Weight Loss Solution
The Key to Healthy Weight for Life

We’ve created the perfect Holosync solution to optimize your brain so you can finally eliminate the Stress-Weight-Gain Cycle that you’ve been stuck in for years - perhaps even decades.
Holosync Weight Loss Solution is the game-changer you’ve been waiting for your entire life. Look, I know what it feels like to be fat. That’s why we want you to succeed, to finally break that cycle. And Holosync gets you there by conquering the three barriers to lasting weight loss:
- Fixing your unbalanced neurochemistry
- Rescripting your toxic self-talk
- Healing emotional wounds
By addressing these three major areas of your brain health, you’ll clear up the road blocks that have been stopping you from reaching your weight loss goals time and time again.
For the first time ever, we’ve created three powerful soundtracks specifically to break the Stress-Weight Gain cycle so you can lose the weight that’s been holding you back your entire life.
Soundtrack #1: Cortisol Dissolver
Balance Your Brain Chemistry
for Optimal Health
Cortisol is known as the “stress hormone.” When cortisol levels are healthy and balanced with other chemicals like melatonin, it plays an important role in our health.
The trouble is that so many of us today are so over-stressed, that our brains are oversaturated with cortisol at unhealthy or even dangerous levels.
High cortisol can completely ruin your life - and you may not even realize it’s happening!

The list goes on and on!
In fact, too much cortisol actually tricks our bodies into thinking we need to pack on the pounds rather than shed them.
So while you’re putting a ton of energy and effort into dieting…
…you’re actually stressing out your brain!
And that means you’re not going to see good results
That’s why we created...

Cortisol Dissolver
This deeply relaxing soundtrack reduces mental stress and eases physical tension. It will even improve your sleep (when listened to before bed).
And thanks to the Holosync technology in Cortisol Dissolver, you can balance your brain chemistry at the push of a button.
The result is a happy brain that’s key to losing weight and starting new healthy habits.
This is the first crucial step on your weight loss journey that’ll accelerate your results while preventing you from taking one step forward and two steps back.
Soundtrack #2: Rescript & Resculpt
Taking Back Control of Your Self-Talk
Being overweight is more than a physical issue.
When we feel uncomfortable due to being overweight, our confidence and self-esteem suffers. We can find ourselves unmotivated and self-conscious, and even develop conditions like Body Dysmorphia where we become intensely preoccupied and obsessed with perceived flaws in our appearance.
We avoid looking at ourselves in the mirror and often avoid social situations or activities. We wouldn’t even dream of putting on a bathing suit and going to the beach!
And experts say that the main manipulator of this negative self-image is…
…our self-talk.
When our self-talk is focused on our out-of-shape appearance, our lack of discipline, our lousy diet, our constant fatigue, or any other problem, it keeps us stuck in a cycle with no motivation to change.
And when it comes to resolving these problems, we sometimes put the proverbial cart before the horse.
We think, “As soon as I lose some weight, I’ll feel better about myself.”
That’s not the way to solve this challenge. More and more research shows that changing our bodies begins by changing our minds…
…or more specifically, our internal self-talk.

When we “fat-shame” ourselves, we sabotage everything else we’re working hard to do to improve our health and lose weight.
We know that diet is important to our health and weight management, but we sometimes forget that our thoughts make up the diet for our brains.
Toxic self-talk is the junk food of the mind.
Even a single thought can trigger a change in our neurochemistry and physiology. When those thoughts are negative, our bodies respond in kind and we find ourselves not only feeling overweight, fatigued, and miserable, but looking that way too.
When you change that sabotaging self-talk into a source of empowerment and motivation, you’ll immediately start to see massive changes in how you treat yourself, which translates into real tangible results that will last a lifetime.
That’s why we created:

Rescript & Resculpt
Rescript & Resculpt uses a special technique called Transformational Rescripting that combines our Holosync neuro-audio technology with audible and subliminal scripts to coax the conscious mind to become more open and willing to change.
The result is a powerful meditation session that lets you overwrite toxic self-talk and supply the unconscious with positive language and imagery that syncs with your goals and aspirations.
Because once you change that self-talk, your thoughts and behaviors change as well.
This leads to physiological and metabolic changes that create better self-esteem, more confidence, and ultimately a trimmer, healthier body.
Rescript & Resculpt uses our revolutionary Transformational Rescripting process to help you:

Once you have your self-talk on your side, you’ll stop relying on harmful coping mechanisms, leading to more consistency with healthy lifestyle changes.
Soundtrack #3: Focused, Fit & Free
Finally Taking Off the Suit of Armor
You’ve tried everything!
You’ve counted calories, passed on the pie, tried a half dozen fad diets, and sweated it out on the treadmill. Yet the excess weight just won’t go away!
Well, maybe the fat isn’t clinging to us.
Maybe we’re clinging to the fat!
You see, excess fat may actually be a physical manifestation of unresolved trauma, chronic stress, or emotional wounding.

It’s quite common for survivors of trauma to unconsciously use gaining weight as a shield; a "suit of armor" to protect from the dangers of the outside world.
And no matter how much we sweat and diet, we'll never give up that armor.
This is why more and more researchers are highlighting the crucial connection between trauma, chronic stress and our weight.
Even when we know we need to lose weight to be healthier, losing that weight comes with an unexpected sense of risk. Risk of more trauma, more hurt, more loss.
For many, this is another crucial piece of the weight loss puzzle.
And it explains why so many people with weight challenges feel so depressed, discouraged, and miserable.
Emotional wounds and chronic stress undermine our every attempt to work on ourselves.
But the good news is that you can do something about it!

Focused, Fit & Free
With Focused, Fit & Free, you have an extremely potent trauma-healing soundtrack that targets the deepest states of consciousness:
Epsilon brain waves are the deepest measurable brain wave patterns and are where our most repressed memories and thoughts are stored.
Reaching Epsilon is almost impossible on your own.
But with Holosync, you can reach Epsilon at the push of a button!
When you meditate into the Epsilon state consistently, it causes a gentle break up of the repressed traumatic material that your mind has been avoiding.
Your brain locked this traumatic material away in the basement of your mind as a self-defense mechanism. But it has never truly gone away, instead it transformed into binging on sugary snacks as a way to cope.
Focused, Fit & Free is designed to help you begin releasing this old toxic material quickly, safely, and easily.
And as you release it, something wonderful happens.
Not only will you feel mentally and emotionally lighter, you’ll also find it easier to release excess weight too!

Focused, Fit & Free is one of the most powerful Holosync soundtracks we’ve ever created. It takes a strong key to unlock the tangled chains of past trauma and chronic stress.
But once you finally free yourself from the unconscious attachments to that protective layer of “fat” that you use as a shield from the past, then you’ll finally shed those extra pounds and experience the new, healthier, happier YOU!
Powerful Neuro-Audio Technology at an Affordable Price
It’s time to finally stop the pain and suffering. And thanks to Holosync the solution couldn’t be easier!
Because all you need to do is find a comfortable chair, put on some headphones or earbuds, dial up these soundtracks, hit play, and close your eyes.
That’s all there is to it!
This means no more pricey supplements, pills and injections. No more workout equipment collecting dust.
But mostly, no more Stress-Weight Gain “hamster-on-a-wheel” cycle!
And that’s why we want to make sure to keep our prices low - so that you can afford to harness this tool that makes all the difference in the world.
You're Getting Everything for less than $.14 CENTS per day when you order before...
Saturday at 11:59 pm EDT!
You Get All Three Brain-Boosting Holosync Soundtracks:

Cortisol Dissolver
Holosync Soundtrack to flush away excess cortisol, trigger production of serotonin & melatonin to balance your neurochemistry.

Resculpt & Rescript
Holosync Soundtrack to overwrite negative self-talk with empowering & uplifting affirmations that optimize your weight loss efforts.

Focused, Fit & Free
Holosync Soundtrack to release & heal past trauma & emotional wounds that cause you to cling to your excess weight as a defense mechanism.
Everything you need to finally lose the weight & keep it off!
Total value: $149.00
Regular price: $99.00
Special offer price before...
Saturday at 11:59 pm EDT!
Only $49
That’s less than one month’s membership at most gyms!
That’s less than dinner for two at a sit-down restaurant!
That’s less than a tank of gas!
This is the kind of investment in your physical and mental health that you’ll benefit
from for the rest of your life.
Isn’t it worth much more than just 14 cents a day for a year?
With Holosync Weight Loss Solution, you’ll finally have the key to unlocking the
healthy lifestyle that you’ve been dreaming of.
The results you are about to see will change your life forever.
I know you’re going to love this!
MaryEllen Tribby
Centerpointe CEO

P.S. You may have tried every diet, every quick-track workout session, every supplement and pill and injection under the sun.
But I bet you've NEVER incorporated these game-changing techniques before.
To get different results, you need to try something different.
You have nothing to lose - except that extra weight!
Here’s what more real people are saying about Holosync:

I can't thank you enough for developing this, I'm not one to rave or overstate things, but honestly I'd be in a very bad place right now if it weren't for Holosync. Thank you.

I feel less compelled to shut myself away and withdraw, and more interested in how I can connect to others and relax with whatever happens. I realize my self-worth is something I can choose as opposed to having it dictated to me from ‘outside’ of myself.

Holosync is one of those rare gems that allows one to feel better in their body, which should be the gold standard of any therapeutic or personal growth intervention.
Eric B. Robins, MD

I've had amazing results from using Holosync, it's like peeling back the layers of all the unnecessary parts of ourselves… I'm looking forward to seeing where it takes me in the future, the changes in my life so far have already been profound.
Belinda B.
And here’s some folks
you probably know:

Holosync should be part of everybody’s personal growth program, to take themselves from where they are to where they want to be, in terms of living a fulfilling, transcendent, successful, abundant life.
Jack Canfield - American Author, Motivational Speaker & Co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul Series

I’ve been a huge fan of Holosync for many years. It soothes people’s minds, it helps them focus, and it begins to take down that busy nervous system so many people have.
Dr. Daniel Amen - Best-selling author and Director of The Amen Clinics

I’ve been a Holosync user for about 15 years…You’re always on the cutting edge of making things better!
John Assaraf - Best-selling author and CEO of Neurogym

What Centerpointe offers you is the opportunity to expand and experience profound depth of your own capability. It reaches inside of me and pulls to the front of me, the very best of me.
Mary Morrissey - bestselling author and internationally recognized expert on dream building

I first learned about Centerpointe about 15 years ago and I’ve been using it regularly… I’m a big fan.