“The amount of love in your life is a direct reflection of how much you love and trust.”
~ Bill Harris, Founder
Centerpointe Research Institute

If you knew, without a doubt, that you would be met with love, just as you are, wherever you went, with whomever you encountered, any day or night…
...how would that change your outlook on love and life?
Do you long to:

Connect more deeply

Share more openly

Risk more bravely

Be more honest

Love more fully

Imagine going through life, day-to-day, in a state of loving connection.
Whoever you are, no matter what your past experiences or your current situation, you can create close,
loving & deeply fulfilling relationships.
Here’s how.

Monday, 1:23pm, Beaverton, Oregon
Dear Friend,
Today I want to send you a love letter.
We all need love in our lives; that goes without saying. So why is love so elusive? So difficult to express? So isolating that we often feel alone in our day-to-day lives?
Love is so powerful that we long for it deeply and with all our hearts. In the absence of love, we wonder if we can make meaningful connections all. We wonder about our purpose in life.
We just want the pain to end.
Even people with “perfect” partners, “ideal” families and “big” hearts struggle with the giving and receiving of love.

We can’t always open our hearts and “feel the love” that’s all around us

We don’t always know what to say or do to express our true selves

We feel isolated, longing to be heard, supported, and appreciated
We are misunderstood, our self-esteem plummets and we shut down. We become emotionally and physically unavailable, and we feel deep sadness, even depression, descending upon us.
This often creates a tug-of-war between wanting love and withholding love, which can spiral into dysfunctional behaviors. Imagine the pain of “the silent treatment,” a full-on screaming match, even depression.
All these things can lead to emotional distress, which in turn triggers health issues, such as high blood pressure, anxiety, clinical depression, and self medication with excesses of food, television, drugs or alcohol. It’s all too easy to spiral into feelings of complete hopelessness.
There are better ways to find, build and deepen healthy relationships.
If you have any of these feelings, you are not alone. Millions of people struggle day in and day out with their love relationships including, and perhaps most especially, the love they have for themselves.
At Centerpointe, “love, respect and protect our customers” is our #1 Core Value. It guides all we do at this company.
For over 30 years, we’ve been helping people all over the world in every aspect of their lives. The most common and profoundly troubling issues we hear, however, are about relationships.

Love recognizes no boundaries. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.”
~ Maya Angelou

Regardless if you’re struggling with your spouse/partner, parents, children, siblings, friends or coworkers...or if you’re just plain lonely…
...everyone wants to get tools to improve love relationships.
The most baffling relationship you’ll ever encounter is also the most important one: The relationship you have with yourself. Love, acceptance and feelings of worthiness start in one place:
The core of your own heart.
Here are some of the things our Accelerated Results Coaches hear on a daily basis (maybe you’ll recognize some of them):

Your partner shows no motivation to improve and deepen your relationship

You're still holding on to unresolved feelings of hurt and anger with your parents or siblings

You're living in a passionless relationship, with no spark or connection

You keep attracting the same Mister or Miss “Wrong” into your life

You and your partner don't ever have meaningful conversations

You’re yelling at your kids more often than having fun with them

Your teenagers are becoming more and more rebellious

You have a coworker who constantly undermines you

You and your partner argue more than you’d like

Your neighbor is inconsiderate of your space

You’ve given up on finding true love

You feel hollow, empty and alone

You simply feel unworthy of love
It doesn’t have to be this way. It shouldn't be this way!

That’s why we owe it to you to provide powerful tools to help you navigate all your relationships.
We all deserve happy and deeply fulfilling relationships.
And that takes hard work!
Or does it?
What it really takes is a willingness to show up, engage fully, and recognize that once you can fully give and receive love, your whole life goes much better.
The possibilities are endless.
That’s why the Centerpointe team came together, brought our best tools to bear on the subject, dug deep, and worked for months to create an extraordinarily powerful tool to help you...
...enhance every aspect of all your relationships with ease.
The Embracing Love Suite
What if you could approach all the people in your life–partners, friends, children, co-workers and everyone else you interact with.…
...with compassion and an open heart?
You are not meant to go through life alone! You are not meant to be angry and frustrated with the people you love most. You were not born to keep your love under wraps for fear of getting hurt.
You are meant to feel and express deep, rich, fulfilling love.

Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy.
~Brené Brown

What if you could begin to open your heart, experience fully present partnerships, make priceless connections, and engage in heart-centered communications...
...at the touch of a button?
Well, now you can!

The Technology Behind the “Love”
It might seem unrealistic that technology has a powerful role in helping us transform negative emotions (and the resulting behaviors) into positive ones, BUT:
Holosync neuro-audio technology has been optimizing people’s brains and transforming their lives for over 30 years.
When you get this powerful brainwave technology, it will safely optimize your brain in very little time and with absolutely no effort…
...creating changes that used to take decades of meditation.
By adding statements that reinforce your intentions, we are able to deepen and amplify your results. Our proprietary Autofonix technology embeds positive statements beneath soothing soundtracks, where…
...your subconscious mind picks them up and puts them into action.
From unstable emotions comes a solid, day-to-day foundation of balanced living. This foundation becomes a platform from which…
...your good thoughts, feelings and actions spill into the lives of others.
This technology works for everyone. It will help you:

Tap into deeper wisdom to communicate your needs clearly and hear and respond to the needs of others

Create and maintain healthy and fulfilling relationships in every aspect of your life

Unlock your heart and mind, overcome lifelong fears you have, and be open to giving and receiving love

Improve your connection and romantic life, strengthening the quality of your marriage or other intimate relationship

Discover a deep self-love that enables you to fully love and be loved in return
To give you this life-changing technological enhancement, Centerpointe’s team of neuro-audio engineers created a special collection—a suite of four Holosync soundtracks called…
Embracing Love
Everyone needs love. Everyone deserves love. And now you can open your heart and take your love and relationships to a whole new level.
Centerpointe’s newest suite of Holosync soundtracks is designed to enhance every aspect of your relationships.
The Embracing Love Suite includes four powerful Holosync soundtracks with silent affirmations recorded in our proprietary Autofonix technology to help you own and share well-deserved love. (Plus we added a really fun bonus! Keep reading…)

Using a combination of Holosync tones and Autofonix affirmations, the Embracing Love Suite helps you:

Respond compassionately

Communicate openly

Connect intimately

Love fearlessly

Bond deeply

The more you are motivated by love, the more fearless and free your actions will be.
~Dalai Lama

With this new suite of soundtracks, we’ve taken our proprietary technology to the next level. You won’t find anything, anywhere in the world, for any price, like the Embracing Love Suite.
And we’ve made it ridiculously inexpensive. When you get the Embracing Love Suite, you get four downloadable soundtracks to enhance and accelerate your results.
We also created a FREE BONUS, something we’ve never done before that you’re going to LOVE: You get a free set of Inspiration Cards to help you connect with yourself and others from a heart-centered place.
Track 1: Open to Love
Find, build and deepen healthy relationships and acceptance with your partner...and also with yourself!
In the modern world, which is sometimes challenging and even cynical, it can be hard to stay open to love.
The Open to Love soundtrack can help you keep your mind open and your heart receptive to all that a deep, healthy and fulfilling relationship can offer. This also applies to love and acceptance in the relationship you have with yourself.

Track 2: Priceless Connections
Make deeper, more meaningful and fulfilling connections with all the people in your life
Whether it’s a special and enduring friendship you want to maintain, or a connection with a boss, co-worker or family member, every relationship you forge can be improved in one way or another.
The unique Priceless Connections soundtrack is designed to strengthen the bonds you have with the most important people in your life.

Track 3: Present Partnerships
Even the best relationships require work and attention! Create a fully present partnership within your most intimate relationship
The Present Partnerships soundtrack is specially designed to strengthen the quality of intimate connections with that special someone with whom you share your life. Having a “present” partner is equal parts finding that partner and being that partner.

With Present Partnerships, you have a unique and powerful tool to enhance your romance and connection to that special someone in your life. This track also includes affirmations designed for two!
Free Bonus #1
Track 4: Heart-Centered Communication
Increase your ability to communicate from your heart, which is at the core of every healthy relationship
The Heart-Centered Communication soundtrack inspires the willingness and ability to communicate your true feelings in an honest and sensitive way. When you communicate from the heart, you’re able to not only convey your needs to someone, but you can hear and respond to the needs of those closest to you.

With consistent listening, this beautiful Heart-Centered Communication track can help you experience genuine, honest, and powerful interactions with others.
Your Embracing Love Suite includes fantastic bonus material that you can’t get
anywhere else for any price.

Free Bonus #2
Inspiration Cards
Use these powerful tools to enrich and clarify your interactions, and expand your understanding of your loved ones...and yourself!
Embracing Love Inspiration Cards are (digital) “cue cards" designed to help you connect with yourself and others from a heart-centered place.
The Inspiration Cards will help you nurture your relationships, deepen your communications, and enrich the way you see and feel love in your life.

I hope you'll take the first step toward creating the relationships your heart longs for...today.
Hold nothing back!
You can't find happiness while you’re hiding in your closet. You can’t express love when you’re feeling fear. You can’t communicate openly when you're holding a grudge. You can’t connect deeply when you’re playing it safe.
Please don’t feel bad, you are not alone. Millions of people feel the same loneliness and fear, anxiety and pain, even depression and hopelessness.
That’s why the most important relationship you will ever have in your life is the one you have with yourself. From there, all things are possible…
...when you embrace love with all your heart.

MaryEllen Tribby
Centerpointe CEO
P.S. Get the Embracing Love Suite now and put this incredibly powerful tool to work for you in your quest for more open, honest and…
...deeply fulfilling love in your life.

“Love swirls through the Universe in a constant state of electromagnetic energy.”
~Bill Harris

If you are serious about opening your heart, improving your communications, deepening your relationships, and connecting with people on a profoundly compassionate level…
...please click the orange button now and get the Embracing Love Suite.
The more open and deeply you love yourself and others, the more love will swirl through your relationships, your family, your community, and the world.