Why Does it Seem Like Some People Always Have
the Midas Touch, the Golden Goose, & the Holy Grail
While Most Are Trapped in an Endless Cycle
of Self-Doubt & Limiting Beliefs?
Well It All Starts With Unleashing
Just ONE Thing…
Dear Friend,
What if I told you that making one small change in how you think…
…could double - or even triple - the results you get in life?
What if you could wake up every morning and look forward to the rest of the day with a smile on your face and excitement in your heart?
What if you gained the “Midas Touch” for yourself and could turn any project you take on into pure gold?
Sounds pretty great right?
You see, there is one particular human trait that - if harnessed wholeheartedly - will propel anyone from mediocrity to excellence. And without this one trait, you’re almost doomed to fail every time.
This is the character trait that separates the good from the great, the ordinary from the extraordinary, the barely satisfied from the jubilant.
It’s fueled the iconic victors and creative minds throughout history. Without this single trait, Henry Ford would never have invented the Model T, men would have never walked on the moon. The Super Bowl or Wimbledon would cease to exist.
And forget about the magic of movies, plays and music. Because without this single trait there would be no Tom Brady, Serena Williams or Taylor Swift. Heck there would be no Oprah Winfrey, Steve Jobs or Winston Churchill.
This one trait is responsible for turning every brilliant
idea into a living, breathing reality.
And it’s the singular key to unlocking success and happiness in ways you’ve never imagined before. It’s the way for you to finally realize your purpose along with the abundance you truly deserve.
The best part is, you already have this trait within you, we all do! Your true purpose and abundance is just waiting to be unleashed!
And once you learn how to tap into its power, you’ll see a boost
to every aspect of your life.
So, what is it?
Intelligence? Humor? Compassion? Generosity?
Of course, those are all vitally important. But they can’t give you what this one trait can.
In fact, without this one trait, you’ll never be able to use any of your other attributes to their full potential.
You see, the character trait that improves all other traits and
all areas of your life is actually:
That’s right - confidence!
I’m talking about the deep belief in your own abilities, knowledge, talents, and passion that opens the doors to virtually any kind of success you can imagine, whether in your career, relationships, or health.
Confidence is an unshakable foundation of self-worth and assurance that empowers you to navigate your life with determination, resilience, courage and conviction.
Confidence is infused into every aspect of life, from how we communicate with others to how we see and sense our own self-worth.

Without it, you’re Playing NOT To Lose...
instead of Playing TO WIN!
And guess what? With that mindset - you always lose.
Think of it as the backbone that supports the whole structure of your efforts to grow, heal, and succeed in life. Or as the beam of brilliant light that illuminates your pathway as you journey towards your goals. Without confidence, you merely stumble in the darkness of
uncertainty and fear.
It’s virtually impossible to lead a life of happiness, contentment and success without confidence.
And it pains me to report, but the bitter truth is a lack of confidence plagues almost 9 out of every 10 people!
That’s almost everybody in the world!

A World Lacking Confidence
The statistics tell a sad story.
Did you know that 70% of teenage girls say that they aren’t happy with their bodies? And that number just grows the older we get.
This is not a teenage hormonal issue. It doesn’t just go away with age.
As a matter of fact, it increases.

85% of adult women surveyed said they don’t believe they are attractive and over 60% of them don’t think of themselves as intelligent.
And it’s not just women who suffer with this.
More and more men are admitting that they too struggle with low self-esteem.
According to a 2021 survey, 55% of men in the UK don’t think they are liked by other people.
Not loved, mind you, liked!
And according to a MarketData report from December of 2023…
…over 80% of respondents said they’d struggled with Imposter Syndrome - the fear that they are not good enough or deserving of their titles, recognition, or income.

And we wonder why so many people struggle just to get out of bed in the morning.
Experts who see these statistics say that this is a clear and present mental health problem that few really know how to address.
Survey after survey shows that the majority of adults worldwide don’t feel competent in their job, don’t feel attractive, and don’t feel as intelligent as their colleagues.
And this isn’t just a problem with a bit of shyness or feeling awkward in certain social situations.
It’s slowly and secretly eating away at the soul of our mental health!
Sadly, low self-esteem has been linked to:

…and that’s just the tip of the self-deprecating iceberg.
This is a silent epidemic we cannot turn our backs to. In order to fix this, we have to understand what’s going on and why we’re so insecure and lacking confidence.

A Toxic Culture of Comparison &
Childhood Trauma
It’s certainly easy to point the finger of blame for society’s low self-esteem at our culture of non-stop social media and celebrity worship.
But that’s only part of the problem. The real root of the confidence epidemic goes
much deeper.
You see, over 60% of adults today are dealing with the painful fallout from dysfunctional or abusive upbringings. The kind that left their self-esteem shattered, their confidence fragmented, and their self-worth diminished. Relegated to living a life infected with fear
and self-doubt.
You might think you were just born without confidence. But the truth is, it was stolen from you before you knew it. It’s the result of things like this:

Unfortunately this list only grows.
If you suffered any of these or other childhood traumas, it set you on a path for self-loathing, fear, and uncertainty while crippling your ability to succeed in your career and relationships.
It’s these deep emotional wounds that are silently and painfully holding you back from enjoying the life of happiness and accomplishment that you desire… and deserve!
Because the truth is, in order to reach your full potential, you NEED to be
confident in yourself.
Which is why I’m happy to share the best-kept secret of how over hundreds of thousands of everyday people regained their confidence to unleash their true potential.

Authentic, Mindful Confidence Made Easy
Yes, there is a way to gain the REAL confidence that you need to become the best
version of yourself.
In fact, we’ve been helping millions of folks all over the world tap into their authentic self-love, self-esteem, and self-confidence for over 34 years!

Sure, you could sign up for long seminars or expensive workshops. You could thumb through a pile of 400-page books on self-improvement and confidence-building. You could pay for a weekend retreat where you walk across hot coals or plunge into frigid ice baths.
You could simply meditate with our powerful neuro-audio technology in the privacy and comfort of your own home and start making real progress towards REAL confidence starting in just
a few minutes!
It’s all thanks to Holosync.
Holosync is a proprietary cutting-edge psycho-acoustic technology that gives you easy on-demand access to the deepest states of meditation - states proven by science to provide powerful benefits to your mental and physical health.
Reaching these deep meditative states on your own through traditional methods normally takes years of dedicated training and practice.
But with Holosync, it’s as easy as pressing “play.”
The result is an empowering tool you can use to quickly and effectively:

…and so much more!
Best of all, there’s no bulky equipment, no over-the counter or prescription meds, no messy creams or fad power drinks, no surgeries or appointments necessary.
All you need is a pair of headphones and a comfy chair.

- Mandy
Holosync User
"What amazes me about Holosync is when I meditate it melts the stress and tension with such ease… I feel so much more in control and revived and renewed. I have become increasingly more self-aware, confident, resourceful, self-certain in my own beliefs and cannot be swayed one way or another as I was years ago."
And now we’ve created a game-changing, confidence-building
Holosync collection called:

Complete Confidence
The ultimate confidence-building audio meditation collection.
Complete Confidence is your ticket to transformative confidence that’ll give you REAL results in all areas of your life so you can experience greater fulfillment, happiness, and success
like never before.
We’ve combined our cutting-edge neuro-audio technologies and techniques to empower you on your path to self-discovery and unshakeable self-confidence.
All three soundtracks in Complete Confidence have been carefully tailored to enhance your self-esteem, supercharge your confidence, and release old unresolved mental and emotional wounds that have been holding you back from living the life you want - the life you deserve!
With Complete Confidence you now have the tools to create an effective daily practice of self-love and empowerment that will yield the change you’ve been searching for.
It’s time to elevate your life.
It’s time to elevate your confidence!
Here’s what you get:
Soundtrack #1: Limitless Confidence

Break the “Cynical Cycle” of Negative Self-Talk and Rediscover the
Power of Your Own Limitless Confidence!
If there is only one undeniable truth in life, it’s this:
Your life, for better or worse, is mainly an outcome of the choices you make.
And those choices are largely determined by…
…your self-talk.

So powerful are the words you think and say that they are the prime instruments of manifestation according to virtually
every manifestation expert
who has ever lived.
When you have a thought or utter a word, you generate vibrations.
These vibrations form resonating fields of quantum possibilities. Just one negative word resonates with a negative experience and begins to attract negativity closer to you. A positive word generates a positive resonating frequency that attracts that positive vibration
into your life.
What does all that mean?
Quite simply, it means that the quality of our thoughts directly affects the kinds of people, situations, and opportunities we attract into our lives.
It’s all-too common to get stuck in the Cynical Cycle where you encounter a problem, create negative self-talk in response to the problem, which then creates a magnetic-like field that attracts - you guessed it - more problems.
We can’t avoid all the problems in life. But we can break the Cynical Cycle by changing how we respond to setbacks.
And there is no better way to break the cycle than to change our self-talk.
This is especially true when it comes to our self-esteem and confidence.
When we’re stuck in the Cynical Cycle, our thoughts are soaked in negative self-talk like:

“Why do bad things always happen to me?”
“Nothing ever goes right for me.”
“Nobody likes or respects me.”
“I always screw things up.”
“Life is so unfair!”
This Cynical Cycle is so powerful and pervasive that it can literally ruin our chances to feel good about ourselves, believe in ourselves, and see valuable opportunities for growth and success. Some people live their entire lives defined by this cycle of despair, defeatism, and fear. And that is a tragedy you don’t need to endure!
Limitless Confidence is designed to change all of that!
It’s a powerful Holosync soundtrack that harnesses the alpha brainwave state combined with carefully-chosen affirmations to replace the cynical and toxic self-talk with self-talk that creates optimism and confidence in every area of your life.
This is not “your father’s” old-fashioned positive affirmation soundtrack.
Its cutting-edge audio entrainment sequence uses Holosync to obliterate old, negative self-talk and replace it with self-talk that leads to enhanced self-confidence, unshakable self-esteem, and unstoppable belief in your greatest ally in life - yourself!
The specially-crafted affirmations are recorded in our proprietary Autofonix encoding technology, which means they’re essentially silent to your conscious mind, but anchor in your unconscious mind and will begin to manifest consciously over time. You’ll begin seeing results within just a few listening sessions!
This is the easiest and most effective way to boost your confidence with the power of
positive self-talk!
Plus, Limitless Confidence is a great stress reducer too!

Holosync User
"These horrible beliefs about myself have actually been replaced with "I'm beautiful, I'm so happy, My life is so wonderful, I can achieve anything I want to achieve, I love my home and am satisfied for the time being with how things are"
Soundtrack #2: You’ve Got This!

Today You’re Ready, Able and Unstoppable!
Do you have a big meeting coming up? Maybe an appointment you’re not looking forward to? A difficult conversation you need to have with a colleague or loved one? A social obligation you’ve been dreading?
These kinds of situations can often bring a lot of anxiety and stress, especially when we don’t feel like we have the confidence and courage we need to deal with them. We can almost feel our energy depleting just anticipating it!
Over 75% of people say they have canceled appointments, skipped work, avoided social situations, or put off important conversations simply because they didn’t feel confident in their ability to handle the situation.
Even simple challenges in life can seem daunting when your confidence is low.

But hey, don’t worry! You’ve Got This!
While feelings of worry and anxiety might be dominating your mind, the truth is that there is - deep down - a powerful and bold aspect of your Authentic Self that knows just what to do in any situation and is not afraid to forge ahead, tackle any challenge, and get things done.
This hidden part of you is a commanding and confident version just waiting to come to your aid and help you. All you have to do is untie it from the tangled knots of worries, stress, and fear.
And doing so just got a lot easier!
You’ve Got This! is a quick and effective way to release feelings of anxiety and power up your courage and confidence. It’s like charging up your batteries to 100% in just a few minutes!
You’ve Got This! combines a powerful breathing exercise with the gamma brainwave state - a state of optimism, joy, and mental energy.
The result is an immediate boost to your mood and your confidence so you’ll be firing on all cylinders.
Listen to You Got This! before that next big meeting or appointment, or anytime you want a burst of confidence and happiness!

- Mark R.
Holosync User
"I have never felt the benefit in such a short time as I have with 'Holosync'. I am so much more aware of my emotions, and miraculously, do not react to certain situations in the same fearful or angry way that I have done in the past. I have grown so very quickly, I can hardly believe it myself!"
Soundtrack #3: Calm & Courageous

Experience the Tranquil Confidence of Limbic Soothing
at the Touch of a Button!
Confidence is not loud, brash, or arrogant. REAL confidence - deep confidence - is calm
and courageous.
But too often, we feel the opposite of calm and courageous. We feel worried, unsure, and distressed. And that’s because the chronic stress in our lives keeps us from connecting with that calm wellspring of self-certainty and courage.
Instead, our overactive limbic system is frantically trying to keep up with the demands of life, weakening our ability to believe in ourselves and stay true to our intentions and goals.
Yes, it’s true! Your limbic system could be causing you to feel a lack of self-esteem!
The limbic system is part of our fight-or-flight response system and we wouldn’t want to be without it. But chronic stress and past trauma keeps our limbic system in overdrive, always working, never getting a break, and keeping us disconnected from feelings of competence
and confidence.
Not only does an overactive limbic system keep us feeling anxious and uneasy, it disrupts the synchronous neuro-electrical activity in the brain.
For optimal brain function, both sides of the brain have to work together. But stress makes this nearly impossible by causing neural connections to fire out-of-sync, making it hard to make good decisions, think clearly, and take action.
Stress is no joke. But it’s not just chronic stress that drains our confidence.
Unresolved trauma, unhealed emotional wounds, and negative experiences from our past can all contribute to feelings of inadequacy, incompetence, and powerlessness as well.
This sounds like a big mountain of problems standing between us and the more confident and capable version of ourselves we know lives inside somewhere.
But what if you could:

…all by listening to a beautiful audio meditation session for just 30 minutes per day?
Well that would be a real game-changer!
And with Calm & Courageous, now you have that game-changer.
This powerful neural driving soundtrack takes full advantage of both Holosync and our new proprietary technology called Lateral Carrier Boost.
This revolutionary technique produces a cross-stimulation of each cerebral hemisphere with oscillating increases in amplitude. In other words, it exercises each side of the brain independently to encourage more cross-hemispheric synchronization.
Calm & Courageous also uses a low carrier frequency to cause the break up and release of old, unresolved mental and emotional material that is believed to block feelings of joy, peace,
and confidence.
With Calm & Courageous, you have an exceptionally potent psychoacoustic tool that can supercharge your confidence like nothing else!

- Maryanne
Holosync User
"The anxiety and depression issues I have dealt with since my traumatic childhood have begun to abate. I no longer wake up with that churning sensation in my gut and my mood is lighter and my thinking clearer"
Powerful Confidence-Building Neuro-Audio Technology at an Affordable Price

It’s time to take your confidence into your own hands. And thanks to Holosync, you now have an easy place to start.
Just find a comfortable chair, put on some headphones or earbuds, hit play, and close your eyes.
1-2-3 That’s all there is to it!
Best of all - you can begin building the confidence and self-esteem you desire immediately, in the privacy of your own home, on YOUR OWN terms.
By now, you know that confidence is so crucial to creating a happy and fulfilling life. That’s why we’re keeping our prices as low as possible so that everyone can afford to harness this tool that makes all the difference in the world.
You're Getting Everything for less than $.07 CENTS per day when you order before...
Saturday at 11:59 pm EDT!
You Get All Three Confidence-Building
Holosync Soundtracks:

Limitless Confidence
Breaking the “Cynical Cycle”
of negative self-talk and rediscovering the power
of your own limitless confidence.

You’ve Got This!
Harnessing a quick and easy boost of confidence before a big meeting, appointment,
or any time you want.

Calm & Courageous
Synchronizing the
brain, soothing the limbic
system, and breaking up
past trauma that’s been
killing your confidence
for years.
Everything you need to finally create the
confidence you need!
Total value: $149.00
Regular price: $99.00
Special offer price before...
Saturday at 11:59 pm EDT!
Only $24.50
This isn’t an offer - it’s a lifeline.
This is far less than any seminar, workshop, retreat, or book bundle!
This is the kind of investment in yourself that you’ll benefit from your entire life.
Isn’t gaining the self-confidence you need to reach your greatest potential worth much more than just 7 cents a day for a year?
Of course it is.
And with Complete Confidence, you’ll finally have the key to unlocking the confident, happy, successful version of yourself that you were always meant to be.
The results you are about to see will change your life forever.
I know you’re going to love this!

MaryEllen Tribby
Centerpointe CEO
P.S. REAL confidence is not something that anyone else can give you.
Only YOU can bring that version of yourself out.
And with Holosync, you have a potent tool that makes it much easier to do.
So please get started right away.
Your confident future self will thank you.
Here’s what more real Holosync users are saying:

- Suzy
"Now I'm sticking with the same activity and progressively becoming more confident about it. I still get moments where I can feel the anxiety that previously would have had me totally freaked out and incapable of taking action thus causing me more distress but now I just notice it, acknowledge it, and am able to just keep going."

- Robert W.
"It's like having been untangled, like I've climbed out of myself, like mental osteopathy. As you promised, I do now feel more connected and feel I have a place in the scheme of things. I'm much more confident and my self esteem has improved. (I had a big problem in this area too.) I feel much happier, more confident and relaxed in my dealings with people, much more creative (I've regained a sense of meaning and purpose in this area and my acting ability has noticeably benefited), and far more on top of life, as though I hold it rather than it holding me."

-David A.
"I gradually started to notice changes. Changes in my overall well being and my ability to overcome my depression that has been impeding me my entire adult life."

"It really was a miracle. As my confidence increased, I finally began to feel in control of my destiny. And, with my stress level melting away, my weight problem melted away as well. In short, using the Holosync® technology in a very dramatic way improved almost every area of my life."

"I've found my confidence building incredibly rapidly, I'm not worried by things that would normally have me diving for cover, I'm starting to talk to people more, and let my few friends get to know me on a deeper level. I'm also gaining confidence in my writing, and feel I could actually pursue my dream of getting my books published."

- Bob P.
Holosync User
"The anxiety and depression issues I have dealt with since my traumatic childhood have begun to abate. I no longer wake up with that churning sensation in my gut and my mood is lighter and my thinking clearer."

"I can now approach almost ANYONE with effortless ease and confidence… I realize my self-worth is something I can choose as opposed to having it dictated to me from ‘outside’ of myself."

-Eric B. Robins, MD
"Holosync is the best self-help product I have ever found. It is not an overnight miracle cure, but over time it is miraculous, and the effects can be felt and seen in the body. It saved my life, and if I was king, I would prescribe Holosync to every one of my patients."

"I have much more courage in my convictions. I'm also prepared to express myself in terms of what I like & don't like. Some people will like me; others won't & that's absolutely fine."
And here’s some folks you probably know:

- Jack Canfield
"Holosync should be part of everybody’s personal growth program, to take themselves from where they are to where they want to be, in terms of living a fulfilling, transcendent, successful, abundant life."
American Author, Motivational Speaker & Co-creator
of the Chicken Soup for the Soul Series

- John Assaraf
"I’ve been a Holosync user for about 15 years…You’re always on the cutting edge of making things better!"
Best-selling author and CEO of Neurogym

- Mary Morrissey
"What Centerpointe offers you is the opportunity to expand and experience profound depth of your own capability. It reaches inside of me and pulls to the front of me, the very best of me."
Bestselling author and internationally recognized
expert on dream building

- Dr. Daniel Amen
"I’ve been a huge fan of Holosync for many years. It soothes people’s minds, it helps them focus, and it begins to take down that busy nervous system so many people have."
Best-selling author and Director of The Amen Clinics

- Dave Asprey
"I first learned about Centerpointe about 15 years ago and I’ve been using it regularly… I’m a big fan."
Author and entrepreneur, founder of Bulletproof 360
and Bulletproof Nutrition