Thank you for joining us!

You’ve taken the first step towards a happier, healthier brain.

And we want to reward you for that!

To give you every chance at success, we’re giving you a $21 discount on some of our most popular suites.

Whether you want more balance in your life, you want to learn a new skill faster, or you just want some deep relaxation…

...we have a suite that’s perfect for you!

But remember, you’ll only get this amazing discount on ONE of the following suites, so make sure you choose wisely! (The others will always be available for purchase at regular price.)

Super Learning & Memory Suite

The Super Learning & Memory Suite Includes Four High-Quality Soundtracks to Enhance Your Natural Learning Abilities!

This Suite will help you:  

  • Learn, retain and recall startling amounts of new information
  • Increase your focus and concentration, without distractions
  • Give you huge “ah ha” insights, solutions and creative ideas

Original Price: $69
Sale Price: $59

NOTE: Clicking above will place an order instantly using the billing information you just entered.

Learn More about the Super Learning & Memory Suite

Here's what you get:

  • Ultra Focus & Learning
    Retain more information in a shorter amount of time! The ultimate “super learning” track, Ultra Focus & Learning, puts your brain into “the zone” – the ideal learning state where your brain functions effortlessly and performs at its best.
  • Super Memory Stabilizer
    Use Super Memory Stabilizer for “deep learning” to organize and retain complex information that you can easily recall at a later time. It’s particularly helpful right after studying or reading to improve overall retention.
  • Laser Memory Recall
    Test anxiety? Big presentation to make? Laser Memory Recall is ideal for resolving brain fog and generating crystal clear mental clarity. It also helps you relax by reducing mental anxiety and stress, so you can ace the challenges ahead.
  • Eureka Moment
    Tap into your brain’s inner creative genius and generate "Aha!" moments, as well as natural mental highs. Note: You cannot purchase Eureka Moment anywhere for any amount of money, but it’s FREE with your purchase of the Super Learning & Memory Suite.

Journey to Self Suite

Centerpointe Research Institute | Journey To Self Suite

Experience Profound Levels of Deep Personal Fulfillment

Tap into the power of your unconscious mind to create deep experiences of love, compassion, gratitude, and forgiveness.

Journey to Self is a unique and powerful suite of three soundtracks–plus a fourth bonus track–designed to help you discover and experience profound levels of deep personal fulfillment.

With the flip of a switch, you can create the mindset you need to express love in healthy and fulfilling ways, have compassion (instead of criticism) for others, live a life of gratitude, and forgive those who hurt you in the past resulting in unshakeable peace and fulfillment in your life.

Original Price: $69
Sale Price: $59

NOTE: Clicking above will place an order instantly using the billing information you just entered.

Learn More about Journey to Self

Here's what you get:

Each track is driven by powerful Holosync® technology to automatically create changes that used to take years, decades even, of meditation.

Silent affirmations are embedded beneath your choice of soothing music or river sounds, using our proprietary Autofonix™ technology, to deepen and amplify your results.

Here's What You Get:

  • Journey to Love:
    Your road map to give and receive love in profound and deeply fulfilling relationships
  • Journey to Forgiveness:
    The solution to toxic, unconscious material that keeps you from feeling whole, centered, and happy
  • Journey to Gratitude:
    Reconnect with feelings of joy and contentment and cultivate a mindfully thankful state
  • Journey to Compassion:
    Live a more peaceful life, with authentic kindness and understanding toward others (including yourself)
  • Free Bonus: The Journey to Self Journal

Passages to Healing

Are you feeling overwhelmed after a great loss, change, or other crisis?

We understand what you’re going through, and we can help!

Do any of these scenes seem familiar?
  • You find it difficult to confront places or situations that remind you of your loss

  • You turn to unhealthy habits as a way to cope with your loss

  • You struggle to keep your composure in front of others

  • You have trouble concentrating and focusing

  • You feel like you are walking around in a fog

  • You find it hard to get a restful sleep

  • You fight to hold back the tears

These are all totally normal after experiencing a great loss or change.

The good news is that you don’t have to face these times on your own!

Passages to Healing is a powerful tool with a light touch for sensitive times.

With Passages to Healing, you can find instant relief and a safe space to heal and grow - even on the days when you don’t want to get out of bed.

Original Price: $89
Sale Price: $79

NOTE: Clicking above will place an order instantly using the billing information you just entered.

Learn more about Passages to Healing

Track #1: Present & Centered
Acknowledging Loss

Healing grief begins with an acknowledgement and acceptance of the loss itself. 

This soundtrack uses Holosync technology and Autofonix silent affirmations to create a place of healing and comfort, easing feelings of unrest, and imparting a mental and emotional safety and stability so you can be present in the moment. 

Track #2: A Peaceful Space
Self Care in Difficult Times

We must take care of ourselves when dealing with the heaviness of grief and the pain of loss. 

This soundtrack uses a combination of Holosync technology and a guided meditation to lead you into a safe space where you can reconnect with yourself and tune into your feelings in a safe and comfortable way. 

Track #3: Healing the Pain
Mindfully Recovering from Loss

Grief can bring with it an opportunity to become more mindful, building resilience and learning to heal and grow even in the darkest of times. 

Through mindfulness, you can respond (rather than react) to what’s happening around you. This soundtrack uses Holosync technology and positive affirmations to create an outlook of peace, hope, and intentional healing.

(BONUS TRACK) The Path Forward
Learning How to Let Go and Move On

Grief comes in many forms beyond losing a loved one or a dear pet. We can also grieve the loss of a job, places we’ve lived, periods of time, or the loss of a social circle or support system. 

This Holosync-powered soundtrack will help you release your unhealthy attachments to these things, freeing you from suffering by turning grief into nostalgia so that you can look back fondly on those relationships, connections, and experiences in your life that have helped you become the person you are today.


Passages to Healing doesn’t just stop at the soundtracks. We’ve put together some amazing bonus materials to give you every advantage possible when it comes to recovering from grief, including a never-before-offered Digital Healing Journal and the Audible Healing Library.