A breathing practice to align and harmonize the physical and energetic bodies.
This concept of energy centers, channels, and networks is ancient and far predates more recent conventional medicine.
By clearing and balancing the chakras, we can improve a wide range of problems that can inhibit health, including chronic stress, poor diet, sleeping problems, motor function issues, and more.
Participating in Chakra Fountain Breathing is an easy way to activate and open ALL of the chakras in just 15 minutes!
Like a fountain, this practice starts at the root chakra and builds up through to the crown with each chakra supporting the one above it.
While most chakra practices stop there, we take things a step further and direct the energy back down the spine and through the “return” channel to maintain a balanced energetic and emotional state.
Holosync tones guide your brain through the Alpha and Theta brainwave states while silent Autofonix affirmations fortify balance and personal strength as you build the core of your energy body.
Chakra Fountain Breathing is an easy way to feel uplifted and energized!