Do You Ever Feel like a Hamster on a Wheel, Running Around in Circles Exhausting Yourself and Getting Nowhere?

You Can Continue With This Futile Exercise or You Can Destroy the Wheel

 It’s Up to You!

Dear friend,

The lingering effects of the pandemic, extreme climate, and political strife over the last few years have come together in a perfect storm. Our lives have never been more hectic and the demand for our time has never been greater.

At every turn, it’s as if our lives have been decided for us. The constant anger, sadness and pain portrayed on a harried 24-hour news cycle and social media is painted as the “new normal.” And if we don’t agree and comply, we are branded a rebel or conspiracy theorist.

It’s no wonder that most people are living their lives on auto-pilot. Simply going through the motions without any joy; actually believing that feeling nothing at all is better than feeling the emptiness in their gut.

People are simply trying to “get through the day”, wishing their lives away instead of enjoying each new day as the gift that it is. And when their heads hit the pillow at night there is a sense of dread and apprehension instead of fulfillment and hope.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. As a matter of fact, it wasn’t always this way.

There were times when we got up in the morning with a sense of gratitude and hope. We had real dreams, goals and plans for the future. We enjoyed our spouses, our kids, our colleagues and our friends.

We went on vacation.  We didn’t worry about paying our mortgage, car payments or sending our kids to college.

Today we stress over scraping enough money together for our day-to-day living expenses. We look away, blocking out everyday occurrences and let our relationships fall to the wayside. We ignore our mental and physical health - never getting off the hamster wheel.

It’s time to say “enough”; no, it’s time to scream ENOUGH!

Times are Changing - You Have the Power to Make it Better

It’s time to remember that we have the power to change. That power is there, deep down in all of us. The question is: how badly do you want to make that change?

Are you ready to take a sledgehammer to the hamster wheel? Are you ready to ditch the dread and emptiness? Are you ready to create a conscious life, one filled with an abundance of joy, love, peace and prosperity?

If you said yes, then you ARE on the right track.

But in order to have this, you must be mindful, you must be aware - as that’s the only way to live a life worth living - a conscious life!

After all…

“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light,
but by making the darkness conscious.”
~ Carl Jung

So how do you begin to make this change, to be more mindful, aware and conscious?

And is it even possible?

Of course it is.

If you searched through all of human history and discovered...

...the best philosophies, the most profound spiritual teachings, and the most effective self-help writings by the most influential masters...

...and then boiled them all down into nine potent ingredients to create the best life ever…

You’d discover nine principles so profound and so powerful that the result is nothing short of the highly sought after and elusive “Conscious Living”.

What Is Conscious Living?

Conscious living (sometimes called “mindful living”) means you’re going through life with a heightened level of awareness. This way of living empowers you to make better decisions, create more happiness, keeps you calm in the face of any crisis, and brings a clarity that lets you reach any goal faster and more effectively.

The most successful people, the happiest people, and the most resilient people are often living a conscious lifestyle. That’s what gives them an edge. That’s their secret.

What Are the 9 Principles of Conscious Living?

The 9 Principles for Conscious Living are the bedrock for anyone who wants to increase their everyday awareness and reach a fulfilling, successful, authentic life.

They are the natural laws of the universe and human progress that have always existed.

They are the secret truths behind all success, all happiness, and achieving your full potential.

You see, once you’ve learned the 9 Principles for Conscious Living and begin using them in your daily life...

...they’ll lead you to greater and greater success at every turn. Guaranteed.

If you want to:

  • Improve your relationship with your in-laws
  • Create more intimacy with your partner
  • Achieve that long awaited promotion
  • Put a down payment on a new house
  • Travel to your dream destination
  • Obtain optimal physical health
  • Enjoy the closeness of friends
  • Earn the respect you deserve
  • Grow your own organic food
  • Start your own business
  • Learn a new language
  • Accept prosperity
  • Own your worth
  • Mentor a child
  • Buy a new car
  • Write a book
  • And more

Then you are in the right spot. Because this is all possible when you utilize the 9 Principles of Conscious Living. That’s how powerful these principles are!

And the best part?

The fact that you are right here, right now, reading this letter, means that you already have what it takes to really harness the power of the 9 Principles for Conscious Living.

All you need is a gentle nudge in the right direction.

Over Two Decades of Results

So where did the game-changing 9 Principles for Conscious Living come from?

Did they just appear out of thin air? Were they conjured up in some fevered prophetic dream?


In fact, they took a lot of diligent and focused work, research, experience, testing, trial and error, and an open mind willing to blend science and psychology with metaphysical and spiritual teachings.

The 9 Principles for Conscious Living are the great legacy of Centerpointe’s late Founder, Bill Harris.

Over the span of 30+ years, Bill studied psychological scholars, apprenticed under metaphysical masters, and toured all across the world side-by-side with other big names in the personal development field.

Bill took all of that knowledge, all of that insight, all of those effective concepts that he saw really transform people's lives before his own eyes...

...and distilled it all down into the 9 Principles for Conscious Living.

This is the essence of what it truly takes to live a life of awareness, of fulfillment, and of purpose, and it’s the guiding light behind Centerpointe’s main philosophy: to live a conscious, mindful, meaningful life.

After Bill created the 9 Principles, he would spend the rest of his life using them to help hundreds of thousands of people create the lives that they desired.

Bill saw firsthand that once people applied these principles to their lives, it created unbound potential that they never realized was there all along.

And Bill did all this while using the 9 Principles for himself to build Centerpointe into the business it is today - a business that prospers by helping others (and one that left Bill a very wealthy man when he passed away in 2018).

We’ve watched firsthand as the 9 principles transformed thousands of lives by empowering them to:

  • Create good habits that enhance a conscious mindset
  • Have better personal and professional relationships
  • Easily notice and seize opportunities for growth
  • Eliminate unnecessary pain and suffering
  • Reach unshakeable happiness
  • Calmly overcome any crisis
  • Have boundless confidence
  • Increase awareness
  • Heal past trauma
  • Boost success
  • Relieve stress

Read that list one more time and this time imagine that it describes you, and your life. It absolutely can. It's within your reach.

And we know that because these principles have worked for thousands of people - they’ll work for you too…

...if you make the conscious choice to unleash their potential.

But the truth is that without some guidance, the 9 Principles for Conscious Living are tough to implement into your daily life.


Because the world is constantly throwing curve balls to distract you from them.

The Big Problem With the World Today

“Awareness is the answer to nearly every human problem that actually has a solution.”
~Bill Harris

It’s all too easy to get caught up in the low-hanging fruit of today’s tech-heavy, instant-gratification world.

In fact, it seems like everything on a smartphone has been designed to stop you from thinking…

…and instead keep you reacting automatically to everything you see and hear.

That’s why it’s more important than ever to take a step towards a more conscious lifestyle.

Otherwise the dread, the anger, the sadness - the hamster wheel continues. And you won’t be able to get off.

But once you learn to live consciously, with intent (and not just on autopilot)…’ll find that the whole world opens up to you!

Instead of living your life in black, white and gray…

...suddenly your life becomes an extraordinary rainbow of colors.

Your decisions move you in the right direction - towards awareness, fulfillment, and consciousness.

All of a sudden, you’re happy!

Your dreams come into razor-sharp focus and you know you are worthy of achieving them.

You wake up with purpose and look forward to each new day.

And you’re able to notice what’s serving you, and what’s not.

This is what the 9 Principles for Conscious Living will do for you…

...once you learn how to harness their power.

And I’ll let you in on a secret right now.

You see, most of the 9 Principles are actually quite simple.

In fact, many of these principles may sound familiar to you.

That’s because as children, many of us applied them naturally. We knew them almost instinctively.
But then we grew up in a complicated, hectic, stressful world. And unfortunately, these concepts disappeared from our lives.

Therefore, in today’s fast-paced, ever-changing, breaking-news, social-media society…’s getting harder and harder to break free from knee-jerk reactions to every inconvenience big or small that comes our way.

And most times, these automatic reactions get in the way of what we truly want in life.

The Tried and True Solution That WORKS

We’ve been using the 9 Principles for Conscious Living for over two decades. We’ve seen how they have transformed people's lives - everyday folks just like you and me. We know how they can accelerate your growth.

That’s why we’ve poured countless hours into creating a new, comprehensive Accelerated Results Course that’s updated with the latest data and science to help you really understand the 9 Principles for Conscious Living

...and how you can easily integrate them into your daily routine!

We’re very proud and excited to present:

The 9 Principles for Conscious Living - PLUS
Proven Methods for the 21st Century

The 9 Principles for Conscious Living - PLUS is a brand new comprehensive Accelerated Results Course made up of video lessons, virtual discussions, and Integration Exercises led by neuro-audio technologies, meditation and stress-reduction technique expert, Marc Gilson.

Marc was by Bill’s side when Bill created the Nine Principles, and after 25 years of teaching them, using them, and refining them, he knows the Nine Principles better than anyone. In fact, it’s because of Marc’s intimate knowledge and attachment to these principles that I insisted he be the one to guide you on your personal growth journey. There is no one better to help you transform your life into one of conscious exuberance.  

This course is designed to dig deep - to go further  than you ever have.

You will discover the parts of your life that have been holding you back and causing the pain, the exhaustion and the numbness. These hidden “non-truths'' don’t have to be your reality. These are the very same “non-truths” that have kept you on that hamster wheel.

And it all starts by asking and honestly answering the right questions - the big questions - that’ll free you from the dreaded hamster wheel. Don't just slow the hamster wheel down. This is the way to get off that wheel, and stay off, for good.

Only then can you transform the numbness to consciousness, the exhaustion to exuberance and the pain to joy. This is what sets you up for a successful life, a life you decide on, one you create.

These are the deep questions that hold the secret to your success and happiness.

Once you can ask and answer them for yourself, your life will never be the same.

Here’s How it Works

Starting with a captivating introduction video, Marc welcomes you to the course with some fascinating insights and history of the 9 Principles, as well as some tips to help you get the most out of each and every lesson.

Then you’ll explore each of the 9 Principles with Marc in detail.

Each video lesson is PACKED with valuable advice and insights into how each of the 9 Principles work and how you can apply them to your life.

Marc is the perfect mentor for this course and you can consider him your personal coach while you work through each principle. His enthusiasm and knowledge will keep you on the edge of your seat as you experience easy-to-understand lessons that touch on everything from quantum mechanics to history to physics - and even spiritual philosophy.

But don’t worry...

This is NOT difficult, boring, or homework-intensive.

You’ll actually catch yourself nodding and laughing along as Marc uses examples from his own life, stories from real clients, and even fun memories and insights into his time with Bill to illustrate these concepts. Because of the power and depth of these lessons, you’ll find yourself watching them over and over again!

After each lesson, you’re invited to sit in with Marc and our talented Accelerated Results Coaches as they dive into an open discussion expanding upon the Principles and giving real examples from their coaching sessions to deepen your understanding.

Once you finish the discussion, your next stop is with our in-house Movement and Breathing Master, Gregg Hendrix, for a special Integration Exercise that uses easy-to-do movements and breathing techniques to help you remember each lesson more effectively.

It’s a fact that when you involve the body, you retain information better. This is the extra step that often goes forgotten in a learning environment, but not for us. Incorporating the Integration Exercises will help you absorb and retain all 9 Principles faster, easier, and more effectively.

You won’t find an Accelerated Results Course like this anywhere else!

Here’s What You Get

The 9 Principles for Conscious Living - PLUS is an extensive Accelerated Results Course that comes with:

  • Introduction Video 
    You’ll see how the 9 Principles came about, how using them will enhance your life, and get ready to master the course.
  • 9 Lesson Videos
    Each lesson video explores one of the 9 Principles and teaches you how to implement it into your life. Learn how to eliminate suffering, increase your resilience to stress, gain more control over your life, and so much more.
  • 9 Discussion Videos
    These discussions between Marc and one or more of our Accelerated Results Coaches use real-life examples from coaching sessions to expand upon each principle. This makes it easy to grasp the concepts and implement them into your daily routines.
  • 9 Integration Exercises
    Movement and Breathing expert, Gregg Hendrix, leads you through nine different Integration Exercises. Studies show that involving the body through these Integration Exercises will help you absorb and retain all 9 Principles faster, easier, and more effectively.

You’ll also get a really fun BONUS Lesson.

The BONUS Lesson will help you internalize and use the 9 Principles in today’s fast-paced world. It also explores three bonus “mini” principles that give you advice on how to shore up your values, your beliefs, and how to get the universe to work for you.

Major Life Improvement at an Affordable Price

Extensive video courses like the 9 Principles for Conscious Living - PLUS usually cost thousands of dollars.

But because the concepts in this Accelerated Results Course are so life-changing, so effective, and so crucial for today’s harsh social and economic climate…

...we’re keeping our prices low so that anyone can afford it.

We could easily set the price of this course at over $1000!

But that’s just not who we are.

So if you order today you’ll get the whole 9 Principles for Conscious Living - PLUS
Accelerated Results Course for just...


That’s less than 30 cents a day for a year. You can’t even buy a cup of coffee for 30 cents!

Where else can you unlock the secrets of a mindful life at such an affordable price?

Isn’t it about time you were the calm in the center of the storm?

Don’t you want to be free from suffering?

Wouldn’t it be great to smile automatically every morning?

Don’t you want to supercharge your intentions so that they become reality?

Aren’t you ready to make better day-to-day and life decisions?

Haven’t you always wanted the confidence of a winner?

When you take the first step and get started on the 9 Principles for Conscious Living today, it’ll all fall into place faster than you can possibly imagine.


MaryEllen Tribby
Centerpointe CEO

P.S. Where else will you ever find a life-altering course for such a great price? You need to do this for yourself, your family and your future!

The advice in this course is so important, so life changing, so transformative…

...that we want to make it even easier for you to get started!

That’s why we’re offering you the option of a payment plan.

Get started today for as little as…

…$24 per month.

Yup just 5 easy payments of $24.00! That is literally thirty-two cents a day - you can take it right out of your change jar!

“Awareness is the answer to nearly every human problem that actually has a solution.”

~Bill Harris

“Control of consciousness determines the quality of life.”

~Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

“People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls. One does not become enlightened by imagining
figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”

~Carl Jung