Stop Living Paycheck-to-Paycheck, Get Out of Debt, Spot Opportunities, Move Beyond Limitations, and Finally Achieve Financial Freedom

The Shocking and Scary Facts:

  • 48% of Americans surveyed say they spend as much or more money than they make
  • 46% of employed Americans say they usually run out of money between paychecks
  • 77 million Americans, 35% percent of adults with a credit file have debt in collections
  • 37% of divorced couples site financial problems as the main cause for their marriage demise
  • 58% of Americans surveyed say financial problems control their lives

Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired?

Dear friend,

If you’re living paycheck to paycheck and barely making ends meet…

If an unforeseen expense like a medical emergency, a broken refrigerator, or even a flat tire would upset the careful financial balancing act that you rely on…

And if you feel like you haven’t yet reached your financial potential…

You need to know right now that you CAN turn it all around!

Because being in a rough spot financially isn’t just a case of bad luck or bad circumstances - as much as we’d like to believe that.

No, the number one thing that determines how successful, how wealthy, and even how happy you are, is all a direct result of…

…your brain!

That’s right - there’s a direct correlation between how well your brain functions and how wealthy you are. And one of the biggest factors in that regard has to do with how you perceive yourself and your ideas about money.

The “More Money Mindset”

It’s a grim reality that a lot of hardworking people today were raised by parents who believed that “money is hard to come by.”

Maybe this sounds familiar to you.

If your parents grew up during difficult financial times - whether it be financial depressions, recessions, or stock market meltdowns - they probably had to learn to pinch every penny just to make ends meet.

Then they likely passed those lessons of survival onto you as you grew up.

But what most people don’t realize is that while these lessons do help you live within your means…

…it also creates a counterproductive belief about money:

Money is sparse, it’s something that you lack, and it’s hard to accumulate.

As a result, you end up focusing on the wrong things!

You focus on your lack of money, and you start to create the conditions that prove those beliefs to be true.

This is the secret that gave Centerpointe Founder Bill Harris his “More Money Mindset” - a secret that he used to take a small business that he started on his kitchen table in 1989 and turn it into the multi-million-dollar-a-year Centerpointe of today.

A secret that he wanted to pass on to you.

And it all has to do with beliefs and values.

You see, if you believe that you’ll never make enough money to pay off your mortgage, or buy the car you’ve had your eye on, or live the lifestyle that you want…

…then it’s just not going to happen.

That’s because, as Bill says:

When you believe something, you’ll do whatever it takes to be right about it— even if being right creates outcomes and experiences you don’t want.

So the very first thing that you must do in order to make more money, is to believe that it’s possible!

You must believe that you are worthy, that you are capable, and that financial success for you is just around the corner - all you have to do is reach out and grab it!

Because if you don’t believe in yourself and your abilities, then reaching success gets 100x harder.

That’s because the second step in the “More Money Mindset”…


You need to take actions in a way that will produce the results you want.

Just sitting around wishing and waiting for financial success to knock on your door isn’t going to solve anything. And it certainly isn’t going to help you get rich!

So why don’t most folks take action?

Well it’s tough to act if you don’t believe that your actions will make a difference.

Coupled with that constant fear of failure.

That deep-seeded lesson that money is scarce and hard to come by is fueling this wariness to act.

As Bill says:

“Fearing failure—or anything—means focusing on it, and

that just creates more of what you fear.”

But if you do believe in yourself - if you believe in your success - if you know in your heart that you deserve to reach your financial goals…

…then your subconscious will lead the way and make it happen.

You’ll notice opportunities almost everywhere. Ones that you wouldn’t have if you didn’t believe.

And you’ll act on them!

You’ll put in the effort and energy. You’ll strengthen your resolve to push through the doubts and the naysayers.

All the ideas you have floating around in your head about how to make more money will actually get put into action if you truly believe that they'll work.

And here’s the best part:

Even if you act, but you don’t succeed right away, your “More Money Mindset” will help you learn from your actions.

Bill says:

“Every time you act, even if by common definition you FAIL,

you become increasingly wise.”

Gosh, that is so true!

The more you act, whether you succeed or not, the more you’ll gain and the better your chances will be that you’ll succeed!

And it all starts with believing in yourself.

Optimizing the Brain for Financial Success

So how do you change how you think or believe about money and yourself?

Traditionally, making this shift in mindset can be challenging - especially if you’ve been lacking in financial confidence for a long time.

We’ve heard from (and helped) thousands upon thousands of people whose lives have been decimated by financial stress!

These are good, hardworking folks who are spending all of their mental energy worrying about their finances. It’s ruining their sleep, it’s causing troubles in their relationships, and it’s leading to anxiety, depression, and a deterioration of their quality of life.

My heart aches for these folks who’ve gotten stuck in their mindset about money, and they don’t know what they’re doing wrong or how to get out of this endless rut.

This is the exact problem that Bill Harris created Centerpointe to solve.

And it’s why Centerpointe is still thriving over 32 years after its founding.

So what can you do to help?

Well, we’ve created a set of powerful tools that will help you root out your counterproductive beliefs and ideas that have been getting in the way of your success and holding you back…

…and BOOST your own self-confidence, shore up your

“More Money Mindset”, and help you take

the actions that will create the

success you deserve.

And it all starts in one place:

Your brain.

Here at Centerpointe, we’re in the business of helping you take control of your brain; which means you take control of your thoughts, feelings, and actions to proactively create the life you want - instead of letting everything run on autopilot.

That’s why we created:

The Ultra Success & Wealth Suite

This Powerful Holosync Collection Includes Four Brain-Optimizing Soundtracks

to Help You Succeed and Prosper in All Areas of Life

(No Matter What Your Current Situation)

Soundtrack #1: Smart Choices

Track Length: 30 minutes

An important part of a happy and successful life comes from living debt-free and within your means. But too often our internal beliefs are tied to unhealthy or unresourceful choices that lead us in the wrong direction and cause us to make the same poor choices over and over again.

Addictions and bad habits don’t just sap your time and energy - they also sap your money!

With Smart Choices, you can retrain your unconscious mind to make more intelligent and resourceful decisions with money and financial opportunities…

...while undoing old patterns of counterproductive habits that may cause you to struggle with financial security.

This brain-boosting soundtrack features our powerful Holosync neuro-audio technology, specially-chosen affirmations using our proprietary Autofonix technology, and your choice of a soothing musical soundtrack or nature sounds.

Click here to see a sample of the silent Autofonix affirmations we use in Smart Choices

  • I always attract the best resources and people to help me achieve my goals
  • Each day brings new opportunities to make healthy and smart choices
  • The choices I make lead me to increased wealth and prosperity
  • I have a budget that helps me with my spending and saving
  • All choices lead me to healthy and successful outcomes
  • The choices I make naturally lead me toward my goals
  • I use my gifts and talents to grow and learn

(Digital download version only)

Soundtrack #2: Abundance Builder

Track Length: 30 minutes

Abundance Builder is designed to supercharge your unconscious mind so that you can more easily spot opportunities to prosper and grow your wealth - and then empower you to seize them.

Oftentimes great opportunities and smart investments pass right in front of your face without you even realizing it. But with Abundance Builder, now you’ll be able to discover these incredible opportunities and take advantage of the wealth they bring.

Whether you have a lot of money or very little, this Holosync-powered soundtrack can help train your brain so that you grow what you have to create and increase your financial security.

While there is no “right” or “wrong” experience, listeners of
Abundance Builder can expect to feel mildly relaxed, focused, calm, and peaceful while listening.

Along with the powerful Holosync neuro-audio technology, we’ve included specially-chosen affirmations using our proprietary Autofonix technology, and your choice of a soothing musical soundtrack or river sounds.

Click here to see a sample of the silent Autofonix affirmations we use in Abundance Builder

  • Because of my wealth, I am able to help improve the world in ways of my choosing
  • I make financial decisions based on solid and trustworthy information
  • The universe is an endless source of abundance
  • As I give to others, I receive the same ten-fold 
  • I am blessed with vast amounts of wealth
  • My life overflows with wealth and riches
  • My wealth is constantly multiplying

(Digital download version only)

Soundtrack #3: Limitless Success

Track Length: 30 minutes

Limitless Success is your most powerful tool when it comes to breaking down those self-imposed barriers built by pessimistic financial beliefs.

Beliefs and values (when properly aligned) are the fuel that propels success and financial growth.

Your beliefs are self-fulfilling prophecies that you will constantly work to prove to be true, even when the results are against your best interests.

Meanwhile, your values are unconscious filters that determine what you focus on and how you spend your time.

Oftentimes, we aren’t aware of our own beliefs and values, and they can actually end up working against what we want in life.

For example, if you
value money but you believe that money is scarce, then you’re actually creating a ton of stress for yourself without realizing it!

You end up focusing on the fact that you don’t have money, and you end up creating more situations where you prove that to be the case.

But once you line up your beliefs and values in a way that causes you to
put the "More Money Mindset" into action, you’ll start to automatically attract more money and success.

Limitless Success uses a combination of Holosync and Autofonix technologies to tap into your belief systems, enhancing them so that you can easily visualize achieving the success you’ve always wanted, instead of being stuck in a perpetual cycle of worrying.

Limitless Success targets the theta brainwave state–the place where our unconscious minds are free to dream and imagine without the limits sometimes imposed by the conscious mind, creating changes that would otherwise be almost impossible by conventional means.

This powerful soundtrack can be enjoyed with your choice of a soothing musical background or ocean sounds.

Click here to see a sample of the silent Autofonix affirmations we use in Limited Success

  • The universe is filled with limitless opportunities to succeed and thrive
  • I am a living example of how to succeed and live a happy, healthy life
  • I am surrounded by people and influences who help me succeed
  • Challenges are opportunities for me to grow and learn
  • Every day I become more confident and successful
  • I can achieve anything I put my mind to
  • There is no limit to what I can achieve

(Digital download version only)

BONUS Soundtrack: Awareness in Action

Track Length: 30 minutes

Learn to be intentionally aware, and you will gain a power that will blow away all obstacles, and get you everything you want.” - Bill Harris

Those words are the inspiration behind this very special bonus soundtrack.

You see, awareness creates choice in our lives. When we’re aware of our beliefs, our values, and can see clearly how those two things work in tandem to create our reality, we can make smarter choices and take more beneficial actions.

With Awareness in Action you’ll supercharge your awareness of these things, and become more motivated to act on them.

Your brain will move beyond having good ideas

…and start having good results from putting those ideas into action!

By tapping into your mind’s ability to visualize and empowering yourself to take action that yields tangible results, you won’t just talk the talk - you’ll also walk the walk!

While you listen to
Awareness in Action (and for some time afterwards), you can expect to feel a heightened sense of alertness and focus.

You may also experience moments of euphoria or other pleasurable experiences associated with high-frequency brain wave patterns.

Along with our Holosync and Autofonix technologies,
Awareness in Action also includes an audible guided meditation specially chosen to allow the conscious mind to grasp a set of positive concepts around developing a heightened sense of awareness.

Click here to see a sample of the silent Autofonix affirmations we use in Limited Success

  • The universe is filled with limitless opportunities to succeed and thrive
  • I am a living example of how to succeed and live a happy, healthy life
  • I am surrounded by people and influences who help me succeed
  • Challenges are opportunities for me to grow and learn
  • Every day I become more confident and successful
  • I can achieve anything I put my mind to
  • There is no limit to what I can achieve

NOTE: You cannot find this soundtrack anywhere else for any price!
It is only available as part of the Ultra Success & Wealth Suite

(Digital download version only)


BONUS Workbook: The Success Advantage

(Digital download version only)

Your Ultra Success & Wealth Suite also includes a special journal, The Success Advantage Workbook... help you explore your issues around money/success, break through boundaries, and inspire an action plan to get you where you want to be.

We’re big proponents of the idea that you measure what you want to improve, and this is the way to keep track of your progress and reaffirm your positive mindset.

(Digital download version only)

“For anyone who struggles with money or success, we designed the

Ultra Success & Wealth Suite to be a powerful, targeted, and

comprehensive solution to propel you beyond the 

limits imposed by the conscious mind.”

~Marc Gilson, Centerpointe Director of Client Services

The Best Investment Is in Yourself

According to a recent Centerpointe Community
survey, the #1 thing that people are worried
about is their finances.

But it doesn’t have to be this way!

We can help.

And the biggest thing that makes all the difference
in your financial success is where you invest your
time, your energy and your resources.

And the best place to invest FIRST is in yourself - specifically in optimizing your brain.

Because when you improve your brain, you improve every part of your life and supercharge your path to financial success:

  • You easily spot opportunities & know which ones give you the most bang for the buck
  • You gain more choice over your direction in life
  • You empower yourself with self-confidence
  • You make better financial decisions
  • Your motivation increases
  • You grow more quickly

As a result:

  • Your quality of life skyrockets
  • You gain more peace of mind
  • You create the life you want
  • Your stress levels go down
  • You turn ideas into reality
  • You make more money
  • You’re much happier
  • You’re more fulfilled

This is the single most important thing anyone can do for their families and themselves…

…and yet it’s often overlooked by the people who need it most!

But right now it’s easier than ever to adopt the “More Money Mindset” and create the life of your dreams.

You can get the entire Ultra Success & Wealth Suite right now for just…


Plus...Get your FREE Bonus Soundtrack: Awareness in Action and FREE Bonus Workbook: The Success Advantage with your order!

Mastering these concepts can be daunting, but our tools make it easier than ever to adopt the “More Money Mindset” that’ll help you create the life that you want.

Because Centerpointe is founded on the idea that…

…when you’re more successful, we’re more successful, and the world is more successful.

And frankly, isn’t this what the world needs right now - more folks who are financially independent, confident and successful?

So I wish you all of the personal and financial success in the world.

I know you can do it - I believe in you!

Now it’s time for you to believe in yourself, too.

Here’s to your financial success,

MaryEllen Tribby

Centerpointe CEO

P.S. I thought you might like to see what some folks have said about our Ultra Success & Wealth Suite:

“I’m not constantly worried about money anymore, and there just always seems to be more than enough. I’m happy, genuinely happy. The whole feel of my life has changed.” 

~ Cathy

“This is the first year of my life that I feel there is hope for me in all areas. I'm making more money but at the same time having more fun making it.”  

~ Justin

“Stoked about life...way happier...I make way more money, and I am coming to truly love and respect myself.”

~ Steve

“A miracle just happened to me. I have been meditating on owning my own home and running my own business via Holosync daily for about a year now. And today Holosync delivered!” 

~ Susan

©2024 Centerpointe Research Institute