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You’re on your way to a healthier, more happy brain!

And right now we want to do something special for you as our way of saying thanks. If you’re serious about your learning and memory, please consider...

... adding the Super Learning and Memory Suite to your order today!

Get the Edge You Need to Learn, Recall and Retain Information 

  • The Super Learning & Memory Suite includes four powerful soundtracks to enhance your natural learning abilities. (Learn up to 20x more in a fraction of the time.)
  • No matter what your abilities are right now, with a little technological help you could be learning incredible amounts of information quickly and easily, and…

…remembering everything you learn, turning you into a learning and memory genius.

Each track is driven by powerful Holosync® technology to automatically create changes that used to take years (or even decades) of meditation.

Silent affirmations are embedded beneath your choice of soothing music or river sounds, using our proprietary Autofonix™ technology, to deepen and amplify your results.

Here's What You Get

  • Ultra Focus & Learning
    Retain more information in a shorter amount of time! This track puts you in the ideal learning state where your brain functions effortlessly and performs at its best
  • Super Memory Stabilizer
    This track helps you with “deep learning” organize and retain complex information that you can easily recall at a later time.
  • Laser Memory Recall
    This track is ideal for resolving brain fog and generating crystal clear mental clarity.
  • Eureka Moment (Free Bonus Track)
  • Tap into your brain’s inner creative genius and generate "Aha!" moments.

We’re making it easy to double down on your learning and memory!

(for Youthful Mind Customers ONLY)

©2024 Centerpointe Research Institute