"This is a great resource for anyone wanting to improve their awareness and use that awareness to be happier, more productive, and make a difference."
~Dawn Clark
Thanks to modern research, you can have all the brain changing benefits of meditation–in a fraction of the time.
In 1989, Centerpointe Research Institute created a proprietary audio technology called Holosync based on research at the world-famous Menninger Clinic and Mt. Sinai Medical Center, and now used by over 2.2 million people in 193 countries.
Holosync instantly puts you into states of deep meditation—literally at the push of a button.
Dave Asprey
Founder/CEO of The Bulletproof Executive and creator of Bulletproof Coffee
Dr. Daniel Amen
Psychiatrist, "brain doctor", Director of Amen Clinics, and New York Times bestselling author
Jack Canfield
Best-selling co-author of the Chicken Soup for The Soul series and star of the hit movie The Secret
Dr. Pedram Shojai
Former Taoist monk, accomplished physician of Chinese medicine and founder of Well.org
Dr. Sara Gottfried
Integrative physician and New York Times bestselling author of "The Hormone Cure"
Bob Proctor
Best selling author, business consultant, entrepreneur and life mentor
Ken Wilber
Philosopher and bestselling author
Genpo Roshi
Zen Master
“I finally feel in control of my life again…
“I have to thank Dr. Hyman for telling me about you–and about Holosync. I had no idea how much of my behavior was (as you say) “running on autopilot”. I finally feel in control of my life again. Thank you so much.”
“…becoming aware makes all the difference…
“After becoming the world’s greatest expert on diet failure, I’m amazed at how–just as you said it would–becoming aware of how I make my decisions makes all the difference. Now I can just follow the program I’m on. For once I’m doing what I set out to do and it feels GREAT!”
“Several of my friends notice a new bounce in my step…
“I was skeptical when I first tried Holosync, but results are results.This is the most amazing thing I’ve ever done for myself.Several of my friends notice a new bounce in my step and have asked what I’m doing different! I hope you don’t mind if I send you a few new customers. Holosync rocks!”
“…my doctor says she’s never seen anybody so healthy at my age…
“You have no idea how much your Holosync has changed my life throughout the years. I’m not really the same person anymore.Life is wonderful now! I will be 83 years old in May and my doctor says she’s never seen anybody so healthy at my age. Also my friends think I look and act about 20 years younger. I appreciate you and your programs more than I can express.”
“You may have saved my life…
I had no idea how much my eating problems were stress related–until I used Holosync. As the weeks went by and my stress level changed, I stopped needing to eat junk to comfort myself. All along I wanted to stick to my diet, but I kept figuring out ways to talk myself out if it (of course at the worst times). Thank you SO much for Holosync. You may have saved my life.”
I have energy and feel positive!
I’ve had chronic health issues for a very long time that are not helped by my negative outlook so I finally decided to study the effects of chronic stress, brain chemistry, behavioral / cognitive psychology and the effects of chronic stress on physical health when I came upon Holosync via Dr. Hyman, MD.
My high level of skepticism was further abated when I saw the other recommendations by the other qualified people who commented on Holosync. I’m also very tentative about starting new things so, even through I got the Holosync cds weeks ago (along with the headphones you recommended) I waited to start until recently.
I’m on day 5 of the Awakening track and LOVE it.
– I had my first good night’s sleep last night in a very long time!
– I usually feel sluggish every morning but not today!
– I have energy and feel positive!
– I am feel a deep level of gratefulness for everything!
– I have a positive outlook and feel genuinely hopeful!
Please pass along my thanks to Bill Harris for the work! I’m 53 years old and am starting my new life after much difficulty and I’m so grateful
Thank you so much!
©2019 Centerpointe Research Institute