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Centerpointe Research Presents:

15 Minute Rescue & Renew

Get off the hamster wheel of frustration, anger and resentment and get back on top of your game... 15 minutes or less!

How To Download The Soundtrack

Click Here to view download instructions

​Click Here to view the affirmations

We all have bad days from time to time.
But they don't have to stay bad.

Use 15 Minute Rescue & Renew to:

Collect your emotions

Reset your entire day

Set a new pattern...

…for handling stressful situations in the future.

The more you use this powerful soundtrack, the more you will (safely) reprogram your brain to better deal with stressful situations in the future.

Centerpointe Research Institute | Holosync Demo

If you want to build the strongest foundation possible for overcoming stress, building confidence, and creating peace of mind, join the millions of other people all over the world who…

...use Holosync neuro-audio brain enhancement technology.

©2019 Centerpointe Research Institute