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Centerpointe CoachingCast

How Trauma Impacts Our Lives & What You Can Do
Healing Mental & Emotional Wounds

Please Join Us
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
12:00 PM PST / 3:00 PM EST

Here’s all the Zoom info:

Zoom Link:
Webinar ID: 875 7499 8155
Passcode: 077005

You can also add this event to your calendar by clicking this button:

You see, the truth is…

…everyone defines their trauma differently.

That’s why this time, our coaches will explore how almost everyone has experienced a form of trauma, the different ways that we deal with trauma, and how unresolved trauma can sabotage your efforts in life.

We’ll also be busting some myths about trauma that often get overlooked and share some powerful methods you can use to heal more comfortably.

And we want to hear from you too!

During the CoachingCast, we’ll open up the floor so that you can share your own personal experiences with the Community (participation is optional).

And make sure you stay until the end for an exclusive sneak peek at an upcoming project we know you’re going to love!

So make sure you join us for another free LIVE CoachingCast and we’ll see you there!

Whether you’ve experienced trauma in your life or you know someone who has, you will benefit so much from this conversation.

Remember: we’re with you every step of the way.

Zoom Link:
Webinar ID: 875 7499 8155
Passcode: 077005

More from Centerpointe:

Thousands have already signed up for the Youthful Mind Suite!

If you haven’t heard about the power of our Youthful Mind Suite yet, let me explain.

It all started when we came across a recent study out of MIT that focuses on the formation of “brain plaque” that happens naturally as we age.

It’s this brain plaque (also known as neuronal degeneration) that scientists believe play a key role... the onset of dementia, Alzheimer’s and other mental illnesses.

But get this:

In the study, it turns out that there was significantly less brain plaque buildup on those who were regularly exposed to gamma soundwaves.

When we saw this study, we realized that there must be something we could do to help people who want to protect their brains from the side effects of aging.

After all, this brain plaque starts showing up in your early 30’s!

So we rolled up our sleeves and got to work creating the most powerful Holosync soundtracks that can tackle the problems of an aging brain (and may even reduce brain plaque buildup!).

It’s our Youthful Mind Suite!

This special collection of Holosync soundtracks is the perfect all-in-one solution to rejuvenate and recharge your brain’s powers of concentration, focus, memory and retention - no matter what age you are!

©2020 Centerpointe Research Institute