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Balance Your Emotions and Heal the Hurt in Your Heart, Mind and Body

“Transformation is a continuous journey…one that is more generous, bountiful and fulfilling.”

MaryEllen Tribby

~MaryEllen Tribby, CEO

Centerpointe Research Institute

The Wu Xing Power Suite is based on the ancient Chinese practice of Wu Xing (pronounced woo sheeng), the 5 Element Theory of balance and restoration

This Suite Includes 5 Soundtracks to Help You Transform Despair to Courage, Anger to Patience, Melancholy to Joy, Fear to Serenity and Worry to Grace

Get the Wu Xing Power Suite...
...including FREE Bonus Materials!

The Wu Xing Power Suite is a unique and powerful suite of five soundtracks–unlike anything else out there–designed to help you balance your emotional states, effortlessly. 

Wu Xing states that each of the five elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water) encompasses both a balanced and imbalanced aspect of specific emotions. 

The unbalanced emotion of the Wood element, for example, is anger. The Wu Xing Power Suite helps balance your emotions from anger, rage and resentment toward patience, compassion and tolerance. 

The Wu Xing Power Suite includes a soundtrack for each of the five elemental “negative” emotions, including anger, melancholy, worry, despair and fear. (Plus some amazing FREE BONUS materials!)

Each soundtrack is driven by powerful Holosync® technology to automatically create changes that used to take years, decades even, of meditation. 

We embed silent affirmations beneath your choice of soothing music or ocean sounds, using our proprietary Autofonix™ technology, to deepen and amplify your results. 

The soundtracks are presented in high bitrate mp3 format and can be downloaded and played on nearly any smartphone or other media device. 

Note: You cannot purchase the bonus materials, My Wu Xing Power Journal and My Wu Xing Progress Tracker anywhere for any amount of money...but they are FREE with your purchase of the Wu Xing Power Suite.

Here's what you get:


  • Patience: Transforming Anger
    Helps you move from anger, irritability and aggravation toward patience, kindness and composure 
  • Joy: Transforming Melancholy
    ​Helps you move from sadness, pessimism and melancholy toward joy, happiness, and optimism 
  • Grace: Transforming Worry
    Helps you move you from worry, anxiousness and unease toward grace, safety and gratitude
  • Courage: Transforming Despair
    ​Helps transform feelings of grief, sorrow and despair into courage, strength and resilience.
  • Serenity: Transforming Fear
    ​Helps replace feelings of fear, unease and angst with those of calmness, serenity and peace 

Free Bonus Gifts

  • My Wu Xing Journal (Personal Journal)
    A beautifully designed, printable journal to help you document your own Wu Xing journey
  • My Wu Xing Progress Tracker (Check-in Sheet)
    By checking in with yourself and deeply contemplating your current emotional states, profound answers will be revealed to you
  • Wu Xing Power Elements
    Wu Xing Power is based upon The Five Element Theory of Wu Xing (pronounced woo sheeng). Our beautiful Wu Xing Poster details this transformative balancing act.

  • Wu Xing Guided Meditation
    This beautiful 6-minute guided meditation will help you engage Wu Xing energies with a breathing practice. Experience the interchange of strong (yang) energies and soft (yin) energies as your body, mind, and spirit find balance through the power of Wu Xing.
Wu Xing Power Suite | Centerpointe Research Institute
Wu Xing Power Suite | Centerpointe Research Institute



Track Length: 20 minutes

We all “lose it” sometimes. We blow up with anger and resentments, sometimes justified, sometimes not.  And we often regret our resulting words and deeds.

Patience will help you move away from feelings of anger, irritability and aggravation toward a state of…

...patience, kindness and composure. 

Centered patience is the path to resolving conflicts. Patience also becomes a choice when you are in balance through the power of The Five Elements.

When you balance the element of wood, anger becomes patience.

Click here to see a sample of the silent Autofonix affirmations we use in Patience:

Wu Xing Power Suite | Centerpointe Research Institute

Included in the Suite

Tracks are not available for individual purchase



Track Length: 20 minutes

If you are suffering from melancholy, it’s time to step back into the light, where you are free and full of hope again.

Joy will help you move away from feelings of sadness, gloom and melancholy toward a state of joy, happiness and optimism. 

To be human is to feel.

But when bad days turn into weeks and months–even years–your entire emotional life becomes out of balance. 

When you balance the element of fire, melancholy becomes joy.

Click here to see a sample of the silent Autofonix affirmations we use in Joy

Wu Xing Power Suite | Centerpointe Research Institute

Included in the Suite

Tracks are not available for individual purchase



Track Length: 20 minutes

Are you a worrier? 

Living in a constant or heightened state of worry doesn’t serve you. In fact, too much worry can be counterproductive and–in the extreme–paralyzing.

Grace is designed to help you move from worry, anxiousness and unease to a state of grace, safety and gratitude.

In a balanced state, you are grounded, accepting and peaceful, and therefore able to take action from a strong, centered place.

When you balance the element of earth, worry becomes grace.

Click here to see a sample of the silent Autofonix affirmations we use in Grace:

Wu Xing Power Suite | Centerpointe Research Institute

Included in the Suite

Tracks are not available for individual purchase



Track Length: 20 minutes

When you're feeling heartache or despair, it often takes all the courage you can muster just to face the day ahead. 

It’s all too easy to withdraw from the world and sequester yourself.

But there is courage to be found–inside of you–to face the world again. 

Courage is designed to help transform feelings of grief, sorrow and despair into courage, strength and resilience. 

When you balance the element of metal, despair becomes courage.

Click here to see a sample of the silent Autofonix affirmations we use in Courage:

Wu Xing Power Suite | Centerpointe Research Institute

Included in the Suite

Tracks are not available for individual purchase



Track Length: 20 minutes

Countless situations arise in your daily life–work, play, relationships–that can cause fear and doubt. 

Without fear, you are free to be fully yourself. 

You can rise to your true height. You are able to take actions–from a calm and centered place–that will bring you the results you want in life.

Serenity helps replace feelings of fear, unease and angst with those of calmness, serenity and peace.

When you balance the element of water, fear becomes serenity.

Click here to see a sample of the silent Autofonix affirmations we use in Serenity: 

Wu Xing Power Suite | Centerpointe Research Institute

Included in the Suite

Tracks are not available for individual purchase


Wu Xing Journal
(Free Bonus)

Digital Download Only

Your Wu Xing Power Suite includes a beautifully designed, printable journal to help you document your own Wu Xing journey. 

Journaling deepens your experience, provides clarity, and helps you resolve questions and issues in real you write. 

We’ve included intriguing questions on each journal page, to prompt and inspire you, but this journal is your own, to use however you wish. 

Please note: The Journal is a digital product (only) for you to download and print at home.


wu xing progress tracker
(Free Bonus)

Digital Download Only

Your Wu Xing Progress tracker lets you record your levels of patience, joy, grace, courage and serenity every day, and every week.

As you continue this practice of checking in with yourself, you’ll become more aware and therefore more empowered. 

You'll also be able to track your changes (and your improved emotional states) as a result of using the Wu Xing Power Suite.

Please note: My Wu Xing Progress Tracker is a digital product (only) for you to download and print at home.


Wu Xing Power Elements
(Free Bonus)

Digital Download Only

Wu Xing Power is based upon The Five Element Theory of Wu Xing (pronounced woo sheeng). Our beautiful Wu Xing Poster details this transformative balancing act

Please note: My Wu Xing Power Elements is a digital product (only) for you to download and print at home.


Wu Xing Guided Meditation
(Free Bonus)

Track Length: 6 minutes

This beautiful 6-minute Guided Meditation will help you engage Wu Xing energies with a breathing practice. Experience the interchange of strong (yang) energies and soft (yin) energies as your body, mind, and spirit find balance through the power of Wu Xing.

Get the entire Wu Xing Power Suite for the incredibly low price of only $99! 

Plus...Get your FREE Bonus Materials: 

My Wu Xing Journal and Wu Xing Progress Tracker!


Here's What Some Holosync® Users Are Saying

"I've experienced changes of a most positive nature. A lot of repressed emotions such as anger and pity have come into my conscious awareness and I have been able to release them. My life has been getting better in every way. A lot of fears and anxieties are gone and I have a lot more confidence in myself now. I highly recommend this to anyone seeking to improve the quality of their lives."

Journey to Transformation | Testimonial | Centerpointe Research Institute

~ R.W.

"My intense bouts of depression lessened. My anger began to dissipate, and with that came a corresponding increase in patience. My relationships with people opened up and became more honest. There was a greater sense of peace, of the interconnectedness of all things. Paranoia and fear, constant companions for most of my life, began to fade away."

Journey to Transformation | Testimonial | Centerpointe Research Institute

~ Bob Trout

NOTHING has come close to delivering the results I am experiencing with such rapidity and grace as this program!

Kudos to you and your company. I am grateful and very favorably impressed!

Journey to Transformation | Testimonial | Centerpointe Research Institute

~ Jeffri D Smith

“... a ray of hope and a tremendous help when I was trying to come back up from my depressive episodes. I remember the extreme effort it took just to get out of bed.

It gave me the motivation and support to put one foot in front of another and choose Life with each step.”

Journey to Transformation | Testimonial | Centerpointe Research Institute

~ Beryl Bjo

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