"Learn up to 20x more, and in a fraction of the normal time."

Bill Harris - Founder
Centerpointe Research Institute

This Suite Includes Four High-Quality Soundtracks To
Enhance Your Natural Learning Abilities


Get the entire suite, plus a FREE Bonus Track!

Tap into your brain's inner creative genius and generate "Aha!" moments, as well as natural mental highs, Note: You cannot purchase Eureka Moment anywhere for any amount of money, but it's FREE with your purchase of the Super Learning & Memory Suite.

Here's what you get:

  • Ultra Focus & Learning
    Retain more information in a shorter amount of time! The ultimate “super learning” track, Ultra Focus & Learning, puts your brain into “the zone” – the ideal learning state where your brain functions effortlessly and performs at its best.
  • Super Memory Stabilizer
    Use Super Memory Stabilizer for “deep learning” to organize and retain complex information that you can easily recall at a later time. It’s particularly helpful right after studying or reading to improve overall retention.
  • Laser Memory Recall
    Test anxiety? Big presentation to make? Laser Memory Recall is ideal for resolving brain fog and generating crystal clear mental clarity. It also helps you relax by reducing mental anxiety and stress, so you can ace the challenges ahead.
  • Eureka Moment
    Tap into your brain’s inner creative genius and generate "Aha!" moments, as well as natural mental highs. Note: You cannot purchase Eureka Moment anywhere for any amount of money, but it’s FREE with your purchase of the Super Learning & Memory Suite.

All Four Tracks:

(MP3 Format)


(CD and MP3 Format)


Plus S/H

Tracks are not available for individual purchase.


Ultra Focus and Learning

Ultra Focus & Learning puts your brain into the ideal learning state - the “zone” - so you can retain more information in a shorter amount of time. Ultra Focus & Learning induces brain wave patterns associated with super learning and memory.

You can listen to Ultra Focus & Learning while reading or studying to super-charge your ability to focus and retain information. You can listen to Ultra Focus & Learning once-through, or on repeat for up to three full hours. Listening daily optimizes your brainwaves for learning and retention.

Included in the Suite

Tracks will not be available for individual purchase.


Super Memory Stabilizer

Listening to Super Memory Stabilizer helps you retain and organize complex information for easy recall later. Super Memory Stabilizer uses brain wave patterns associated with deep learning - the kind of learning that helps the brain store and access important information for easy access later.

Listen to Super Memory Stabilizer once-through, with stereo headphones, to help your brain retain and “stabilize” important information you’ve been reading or studying. For best results listen while in a stationary, relaxed position. Super Memory Stabilizer includes powerful “silent” affirmations, encoded using Centerpointe’s proprietary Autofonix technology for added potency (See below for a list of affirmations).

Click here to read the affirmations

Included in the Suite

Tracks will not be available for individual purchase.


Laser Memory Recall

Ready for the big test? Got an important presentation to do? Are you prepared for the meeting with the boss first thing in the morning? Before that, spend 30 minutes listening to Laser Memory Recall to ensure that you perform at the optimal level. This track is designed to both calm your nerves, and also help you show up “in the zone,” ready, and clear-minded. This track is uniquely designed to tap into information stored unconsciously during your study and reading sessions, and to make it accessible when you need it most.

This track is ideal for resolving “brain fog” and generating crystal clear mental clarity. It’s also great for general relaxation and reducing mental anxiety. Listen with headphones as often as you like, and you’ll be able to easily and calmly access stored information so you can ace that test, shine during the presentation, or clear your mind of distracting thoughts to focus on the task at hand.

Included in the Suite

Tracks will not be available for individual purchase.


Eureka Moment (Free Bonus Track

Are you the creative type? A writer, athlete, musician, or artist? Are you always looking for creative solutions to life’s problems? Are you up against a problem that seems unsolvable? Eureka Moment is about to become your favorite audio resource for generating creative ideas and solutions to virtually any vexing issue.

This unique soundtrack is specially designed to trigger your inner artist and stimulate the brain to generate “Aha!” moments. Listening once through not only helps tap into your brain’s inner creative genius, it supercharges your mental energy “cleanly;” without any artificial chemical stimulants. Plus, it can trigger the brain to produce a lot of “feel-good” neurochemicals to provide a natural mental “high.”

This track is only available with the purchase of Holosync® Super Learning & Memory Suite

Get the entire Super Learning and Memory Suite for MP3 format or $99 for
CD and MP3 Format

Plus...Get your FREE Bonus Track, Eureka Moment, with your order now!

(MP3 Format)


(CD and MP3 Format)


Plus S/H


What Some of Our Customers Are Saying

I just tried the Ultra Focus and Learning Track from the Super Learning and Memory Solution and I can’t believe how time just flew by. I got more schoolwork done in the last 2 hours than I did in the last 2 days! Plus I got an A on my French test! I can tell already, this is going to make my life a whole lot easier.

~ Delanie Tribby

One of my goals has been to learn how to speak French. Any foreign language has been a real struggle. [But] Holosync has made this a real breeze. 

~ Darrel Brown

Listening to the [Holosync]  soundtrack actually increases my concentration level and encourages me to develop creative solutions.

Marge R.

Mentally, I have more focus and clarity of thought, and I am able to persist with one line of thought, until the issue becomes clear to me.


©2024 Centerpointe Research Institute